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Data Scrolling Overview

Table Views and TreeList Views can display both horizontal and vertical scroll bars.

#Normal or Smart Scrolling Mode

Views provide the DataViewBase.ScrollingMode property that specifies the number of records displayed on-screen when a View is scrolled to the bottom. If this property is set to ScrollingMode.Smart, only one row – the last (a node in a TreeList View) – is displayed.


If this property is set to ScrollingMode.Normal, the last row is displayed at the bottom. In this instance, the View displays as many rows as can fit into the View's content area.


#Deferred Scrolling

Since displaying a large number of records causes performance issues, the deferred scrolling is enabled by default. In this instance, a View's content is stationary when the user drags the thumb of a scroll bar. To disable deferred scrolling, set the DataViewBase.IsDeferredScrolling property to false.

#Freeze Scrollbar Position on Data Sorting

By default, changing the order of rows automatically scrolls the view to make the focused row visible onscreen. The DataViewBase.AutoScrollOnSorting option allows you to deactivate automatic scrolling to the focused row when sorting data. In this instance, a scroll bar's position is not changed when reordering rows.