Filter Expressions
- 2 minutes to read
To filter data, you should create a filter expression(s). The simplest filter has the following syntax: "[Price] = 10". This selects records that have 10 in the Price column.
The following table lists available comparison operators.
Comparison Operator | Description | Example |
= | Equal to. The operator can be applied to numeric, date-time, string and Boolean values. |
> | Greater than. The operator can be applied to numeric, date-time and string values. |
< | Less than. The operator can be applied to numeric, date-time and string values. |
>= | Greater than or equal to. The operator can be applied to numeric, date-time and string values. |
<= | Less than or equal to. The operator can be applied to numeric, date-time and string values. |
<> != | Not equal to. The operator can be applied to numeric, date-time, string and Boolean values. |
LIKE | Operator 'LIKE'. The operator is used for a partial string comparison. It returns TRUE if the value being tested matches a specified pattern. You can use the '%' and '_' symbols as wild cards in patterns. The '%' wild card substitutes any number of characters. The '_' character is used to represent any single character. |
NOT LIKE | Operator 'NOT LIKE'. The operator is used for a partial string comparison. It returns TRUE if the value being tested doesn't match a specified pattern. See the description of the LIKE operator for more information. |
IS NULL | Checks whether or not the value being tested is the NULL value. |
IS NOT NULL | Checks whether the value being tested is not the NULL value. |
String constants must be enclosed within single quote characters. If a single quote character needs to be included as a literal to a filter, it must be doubled. Example:
Date-time constants must be wrapped with the '#' character and represented using a culture-independent (invariant) format. Example: