Data Summaries Overview
The DXGrid for Silverlight allows you to display concise information about groups of rows or individual data columns. For example, you can display the number of records or maximum value, etc. This is called a summary.
Two summary types are supported:
Total Summary
A total summary is an aggregate function value calculated over all rows within a View and displayed within the Summary Panel.
Group Summary
The aggregate function value calculated over all rows within a group and displayed in a group row.
Summaries (group and total) are represented by DevExpress.Xpf.Data.GridSummaryItem objects. You can specify the field against whose values the summary is calculated, the aggregate function, and the summary value format. Total summaries are stored within the GridControl.TotalSummary collection. Group summaries are stored within the GridControl.GroupSummary collection.
- Group Summary
- Total Summary
- Custom Summary
- Runtime Summary Editor
- Sorting Group Rows by Summary Values
- End-User Capabilities - Customizing Summaries