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Data Editing Overview

  • 2 minutes to read

Editors that ship with the DXEditors Library are used for in-place cell editing in a grid. Each editor has a helper class (the BaseEditSettings descendant) responsible for an editor's functionality. When the same editor is used in multiple locations, the grid uses this helper class to paint its cells. The actual editors are only created when end-users start to edit a cell and are automatically destroyed when editing is completed. This significantly increases an application's performance.



Data editing is allowed if a grid's DataViewBase.AllowEditing option is set to true and the DataViewBase.NavigationStyle property is set to GridViewNavigationStyle.Cell.

Individual columns provide the ColumnBase.AllowEditing property, which allows the default behavior specified by a View to be overridden for individual columns. By default, this property is set to 'Default'. In this instance, the column's behavior is controlled by the View. Setting this property to 'True' or 'False' overrides default behavior. For instance, you can set a column's ColumnBase.AllowEditing property to 'False' to prevent an end-user from changing its values.

