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Binding to Data Overview

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DXGrid for Silverlight is a data-aware control, designed to display data in a tabular format. DXGrid for Silverlight cannot operate without a data source. It can be bound to data from a database, from an XML file or to any data created at runtime. The grid can be bound to any object that implements the IEnumerable interface or its descendant (e.g. IList, ICollection). To bind a grid, you should assign a data source to the DataControlBase.ItemsSource property.

If a grid's DataControlBase.AutoPopulateColumns property is set to true, the grid automatically generates columns for each field in a bound data source. To manually control which columns are to appear in the grid, set this property to false and add required columns to the GridControl.Columns collection. To learn more, see Creating Columns and Binding Them to Data Fields.

The DXGrid can be bound to data in design-time using the Items Source Configuration Wizard. Multiple data types and data binding options are supported. To learn more, see the Simplified Data Binding.


