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Fixed Columns

Table Views allow you to anchor (fix) columns to the left or right edge. When fixed, columns are not horizontally scrolled with a View. This can be useful when a column (or columns) should always be displayed onscreen, regardless of scrolling.

To fix a column, use a column's BaseColumn.Fixed property. By default, this property is set to FixedStyle.None and the column is not fixed. Set a column's BaseColumn.Fixed property to FixedStyle.Left or FixedStyle.Right to fix it to the left or right View edge, respectively.

Fixed columns are separated from other columns by a vertical line. Its width is specified by the TableView.FixedLineWidth property.

The animation below shows the Table View with one column fixed to the left and one column fixed to the right.


The Table View provides three properties that allow fixed and not fixed columns to be obtained. These are: TableView.FixedLeftVisibleColumns, TableView.FixedRightVisibleColumns and TableView.FixedNoneVisibleColumns.


Using Fixed Columns only makes sense when the auto-column width feature is disabled and the total width of columns exceeds a View's width. Otherwise, horizontal scrolling is disabled and fixed columns behave like other columns.