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Column Header Settings

The image below shows a column header, and illustrates the basic settings affecting its appearance and size.


Member Description
BaseColumn.HeaderCaption Gets the column header's caption. If the BaseColumn.Header property isn't specified, a column header's caption is specified by the ColumnBase.FieldName property.
BaseColumn.HeaderTemplate Specifies the template representing a column's header.
DataViewBase.ColumnHeaderTemplate Specifies the common template for all column headers.
DataViewBase.ColumnHeaderCustomizationAreaTemplate Enables you to display custom content within column headers.
ColumnBase.HeaderCustomizationAreaTemplate Enables you to display custom content within a column's header.
BaseColumn.Header Specifies a column header's content.
ColumnBase.ColumnHeaderContentStyle Specifies a column header's style.
BaseColumn.ActualWidth Gets the column header's actual width in pixels. If the auto-column width feature is disabled, a column's width can be specified by the BaseColumn.Width property.

To hide column headers, set the DataViewBase.ShowColumnHeaders property to false.
