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The DXGrid for Silverlight provides you within a set of built-in commands allowing some used actions to be easily programmed via XAML markup.

Command Description
TableViewCommands.BestFitColumn TableViewCommands.BestFitColumn
TableViewCommands.BestFitColumns Adjusts the width of columns so that columns fit their contents in an optimal way.
GridViewCommandsBase.ChangeGroupExpanded Toggles the specified group row's expanded state.
DataViewCommandsBase.ClearFilter Clears the grid's filter.
GridViewCommandsBase.ClearGrouping Ungroups the grid.
GridViewCommandsBase.CollapseAllGroups Collapses all group rows.
DataViewCommandsBase.DeleteFocusedRow Deletes the focused row.
DataViewCommandsBase.EditFocusedRow Activates the focused cell's in-place editor. Switches the grid to edit mode.
DataViewCommandsBase.EndEditFocusedRow Hides the active editor and saves all the changes made within the focused row.
GridViewCommandsBase.ExpandAllGroups Expands all group rows.
DataViewCommandsBase.HideColumnChooser Hides the Column Chooser.
DataViewCommandsBase.MoveFirstCell Moves cell focus to the first cell within the focused row.
DataViewCommandsBase.MoveFirstRow Moves focus to the first visible row within a View.
DataViewCommandsBase.MoveLastCell Moves cell focus to the last cell within the focused row.
DataViewCommandsBase.MoveLastRow Moves focus to the last visible row within a View.
DataViewCommandsBase.MoveNextCell Focuses the cell following the focused cell.
DataViewCommandsBase.MoveNextPage Moves focus forward by the number of rows displayed onscreen within a View.
DataViewCommandsBase.MoveNextRow Moves focus to the row following the one currently focused.
GridViewCommandsBase.MoveParentGroupRow Moves focus to the group row that owns the currently focused row.
DataViewCommandsBase.MovePrevCell Focuses the cell preceding the focused cell.
DataViewCommandsBase.MovePrevPage Moves focus backward by the number of rows displayed onscreen within a View.
DataViewCommandsBase.MovePrevRow Moves focus to the row preceding the one currently focused.
DataViewCommandsBase.ShowColumnChooser Invokes the Column Chooser.
DataViewCommandsBase.ShowFilterEditor DataViewCommandsBase.ShowFilterEditor
GridViewCommandsBase.ShowGroupSummaryEditor GridViewCommandsBase.ShowGroupSummaryEditor
DataViewCommandsBase.ShowTotalSummaryEditor DataViewCommandsBase.ShowTotalSummaryEditor
DataViewCommandsBase.ShowUnboundExpressionEditor DataViewCommandsBase.ShowUnboundExpressionEditor