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If a DXNavBar control groups and items don't fit into the view region, a scrolling feature is enabled. End-users can scroll up and down using dedicated scroll buttons, scroll bar or mouse wheel.

#Scroll Modes

Use the ScrollingSettings.ScrollMode attached property and NavBarGroup.GroupScrollMode regular property to specify whether to use a scroll bar or scroll buttons to scroll through NavBar control contents.

ScrollMode = Buttons ScrollMode = ScrollBar
Scroll_buttons Scroll_bar

The ScrollingSettings.ScrollMode attached property should be applied to the NavBar control's View, referenced by the NavBarControl.View property.

#Scroll Settings

You can use the following properties to control the scrolling functionality. Properties provided by the ScrollingSettings class are all attached properties.

Property Description
ScrollingSettings.ClickMode Gets or sets a value that specifies how scroll buttons should be manipulated by an end-user, to initiate scrolling. This is an attached property.
ScrollingSettings.ScrollMode Gets or sets how a specific NavBar View is scrolled, using a scroll bar or scroll buttons. This is an attached property.
NavBarGroup.GroupScrollMode Gets or sets how a specific NavBar group is scrolled, using a scroll bar or scroll buttons.
ScrollingSettings.ScrollSpeed Gets or sets the speed of scrolling (in pixels per second). This property is in effect when scrolling using scroll buttons. This is an attached property.
ScrollingSettings.TopBottomIndent Gets or sets the top and bottom indents of the scrollable region. This is an attached property.

In XAML, you can use attached properties in the following manner.

                <dxn:NavigationPaneView dxn:ScrollingSettings.ClickMode="Press"/>