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Items Overview

Items are group content elements that can be manipulated (clicked) by end-users. Commonly, an item can be represented by its content (such as text or custom content) and an image.

Each group maintains its items in the NavBarGroup.Items collection, which is represented by the NavBarItemCollection object. This collection allows you to add, delete and access individual items represented by NavBarItem objects. The functionality exposed by the NavBarItem object via its properties allows items to be customized as follows.

Item Content

An item's content can be defined via the NavBarItem.Content property. An image can be associated with an item by using the NavBarItem.ImageSource property.

Item Behavior

An item's visibility and availability to end-users can be controlled by the NavBarItem.IsVisible and NavBarItem.IsEnabled properties, respectively. If item selection is enabled within the DXNavBar, the selected state of an item can be determined via the NavBarItem.IsSelected property (see Clicking and Selecting Items to learn more).

Item Look

The appearance of an item can be customized by defining styles with the help of the NavBarItem.VisualStyle property or by creating a template using the NavBarItem.Template property.
