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Groups Overview

  • 2 minutes to read

Groups are expandable elements that have header and content areas, and are designed to contain clickable items or any custom content. The DXNavBar control maintains its groups within the NavBarGroupCollection, which can be accessed via the NavBarControl.Groups property. This collection allows you to add, delete and access individual groups. Individual groups are represented by instances of the NavBarGroup object. The functionality exposed by this object via its properties allows groups to be customized as follows.

Group Content

A group's header content can be specified via the NavBarGroup.Header property. To define the content of a group's client region, the NavBarGroup.Items or NavBarGroup.Content property can be used. An image to be displayed within a group header can be assigned by using the NavBarGroup.ImageSource property.

Group Behavior

A group's visibility can be controlled by the NavBarGroup.IsVisible property. The expanded and active states of a group can be manipulated via the NavBarGroup.IsExpanded and NavBarGroup.IsActive properties, respectively. If item selection is enabled within the DXNavBar, the NavBarGroup.SelectedItem or NavBarGroup.SelectedItemIndex property can be used to specify the selected item within a group (see Clicking and Selecting Items to learn more).

Group Styling

A group header's appearance can be defined with the help of the NavBarGroup.VisualStyle property. You can provide a uniform style for all items displayed within a group by using the NavBarGroup.ItemVisualStyle property.

Group Templates

The look and feel of different group elements can be customized by creating templates. The following template types are available for groups: the NavBarGroup.HeaderTemplate, NavBarGroup.ItemTemplate, NavBarGroup.ContentTemplate, etc.

Commonly, the appearance and arrangement of groups and their elements depends upon the applied View.
