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Saving and Restoring the Layout of Bars


The layout of bars can be saved to a data store (for instance, a stream), and then restored from this data store, overriding the changes made since the layout was saved. This document provides more information on this topic.

#Saving and Restoring the Layout of Bars

The layout of bars can be saved to a data store manually, using the BarManager.SaveLayoutToStream method. To restore the layout, use the BarManager.RestoreLayoutFromStream method.


For the layout of bars to be saved, set the DevExpress.Xpf.Core.Serialization.DXSerializer.DXSerializer.SerializationID attached property for a BarManager to any object (for example, a string).

<dxb:BarManager x:Name="barManager1" dx:DXSerializer.SerializationID="barManager">