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The List of Bar Items and Links

  • 4 minutes to read

The DXBars for Silverlight suite provides a number of bar items that you can add to bars, submenus, popup menus and Ribbon controls. This document provides a list of the available bar items and corresponding bar item links.

Each bar item is represented by a specific class derived from the BarItem, which is the base class for all items. When you add a bar item to a bar or submenu, a link is created, and its type corresponds to the item's type. The base class for bar item links is the BarItemLink.

The following table illustrates the bar items and corresponding links provided by the DXBars for Silverlight suite.



BarButtonItem / BarButtonItemLink


This item type represents a regular button.

To respond to clicking the item, handle the BarItem.ItemClick or BarManager.ItemClick event, or specify a command for the item via the BarItem.Command property.

BarCheckItem / BarCheckItemLink


Represents a check button, supporting two or three check states.

To respond to toggling the button's state, handle the BarCheckItem.CheckedChanged event.

Bar check items can be combined into a group via the BarCheckItem.GroupIndex property. Checking one item within a group automatically unchecks the other items.

BarSplitButtonItem / BarSplitButtonItemLink


Represents a button that supports the drop-down functionality.

Use the BarSplitButtonItem.PopupControl property to associate a drop-down control with the button.

BarSplitCheckItem / BarSplitCheckItemLink


Combines a checkbox and dropdown buttons in one item.

Use the BarSplitButtonItem.PopupControl property to associate a drop-down control with the item.

BarSubItem / BarSubItemLink


This item type represents an item that contains other items. It is visually represented as a submenu. Use the BarSubItem.ItemLinks property, to add child items to the item.

BarStaticItem / BarStaticItemLink


An item of this type is used to represent static text on bars and menus. This item cannot be selected, and has no shortcuts. Clicking on the item however, invokes the ItemClick events.

BarEditItem / BarEditItemLink


This item allows you to display editors from the DXEditors for Silverlight library within bars and menus. Use the BarEditItem.EditSettings property to specify the type of editor to display. Use the BarEditItem.EditValue property to specify the initial value for the editor. To perform specific actions when the edit value is changed, handle the BarEditItem.EditValueChanged event.

BarLinkContainerItem / BarLinkContainerItemLink

This item type represents a group of links.

You can create a BarLinkContainerItem, populate it with links via the BarLinkContainerItem.ItemLinks property, and then add it to a bar(s). The child links will be displayed in place of the container item.

ToolbarListItem / ToolbarListItemLink


This item type represents a list of existing bars/bar item links and allows an end-user to customize the visibility of the bars/links.

You can add a ToolbarListItem to a bar. A list of existing bars will be displayed in place of the item, where each bar will be represented as a check button. Toggling a check button will change the visibility of the corresponding bar.

If the ToolbarListItem.ListItemType property is set to ToolbarListItemType.ShowBarsAndItems, the ToolbarListItem provides access to bar item links owned by bars. Each bar is represented by a sub-menu, which when expanded, displays a check list of bar item links owned by the bar. In this mode, an end-user can customize the visibility of the bar item links, not bars.

LinkListItem / LinkListItemLink

This item type allows an end-user to control the visibility of links in a BarItemLinkCollection collection. For instance, it's possible to control the visibility of links owned by a bar, which are stored in the bar's BarItemLinkHolderBase.ItemLinks collection.

BarButtonGroup / BarButtonGroupLink


Represents a group of buttons within RibbonControl. Button groups are never broken when a Ribbon control is resized. You can add items to a BarButtonGroup. Links that are displayed within button groups support small images only.


BarButtonGroup items are only supported within a RibbonControl.

RibbonGalleryBarItem / RibbonGalleryBarItemLink


Represents a gallery within a RibbonControl. A gallery can display multiple gallery items, which are visually represented by images. Optionally, captions and descriptive text can be displayed for each gallery item.


RibbonGalleryBarItem items are only supported within a RibbonControl.
