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Main Features


DXSpellChecker is a component for our Silverlight family of controls that allows you to concentrate on the quality of your applications based on DevExpress controls, without the need to use third party spell checking components.

  • Supported Controls

    The spell checker interface supports the generic TextBox, DevExpress TextEdit and RichEditControl controls.

  • Dictionary Availability

    You may use simple word lists or dictionaries in ISpell, OpenOffice or Hunspell formats. The advantages of OpenOffice and Hunspell dictionaries are that they are available for free and are constantly updated, since they are a part of the open source project.

  • Custom Dictionaries

    This kind of dictionary can be extended by the user while checking the text.

  • Mixed Languages Text Checking

    You can change the language and the corresponding dictionary during checking.

  • Check As You Type

    When you use the DevExpress DXRichEdit control, words that aren't in the dictionary can be underlined using wavy red lines. DXSpellChecker automatically checks spelling as you type, word by word.