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Main Features

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The DevExpress Rich Text Editor allows you to introduce Microsoft® Word® like text editing features, including Mail Merge, into your next Silverlight application with ease. The DXRichEdit Suite for Silverlight provides advanced text formatting capabilities, supports multiple document formats and provides you with document automation features, helping you deliver compelling business solutions for the Silverlight platform.

#Supported File Formats

Various popular formats are supported to load, convert and save documents - DOC (MS Word 97-2003 format), DOCX (MS Word 2007 format), RTF, HTML, MHT (Web page archive format), XML (WordML format), ODT, EPUB, TXT (plain text). Read more...

#Master-Detail Mail Merge

  • Basic Mail-Merge Functionality

    This feature allows you to use data retrieved from a data source to fill in the fields in a document template. This can be helpful for creating letters, mailing shots, mailing labels and for personalizing any kind of a document.

  • Master-Detail Reporting

    Master and Detail templates can be nested within the basic merge template to create a master-detail report. You can use this feature to create catalogs, header/detail invoices or statements.


#Automation Features

  • Field Support

    A subset of fields defined in ECMA-376 (Office OpenXML) standard is currently supported. Read more...

  • Document Variables Support
  • Automatic Table of Contents

    You can quickly set up automatic Table of Contents (TOC) for the entire document or a section. Built-in styles, paragraph outline levels or TC fields can be used to build your Table of Contents. Read more...

  • Table of Captioned Document Objects

    You can add captions (numbered labels) to figures, equations and tables, and then use these captions to automatically built a table of the document objects, for example a table of figures, a table of equations or a table of tables.

#Automatic Correction

Provides the capability to automatically detect and highlight hyperlinks, automatically correct two initial capitals, typos, and perform automatic correction using a custom expander functionality (for example, quickly insert symbols, any long piece of text, images, etc.). Read more...

#Table Support

End-users can insert tables, rows and columns, edit a table layout by splitting and merging cells, align cell content, apply borders and shading to individual cells, delete cells, columns and rows. You can use Table API to perform all required table operations. Read more...

#Floating Objects

End-users can insert text boxes and pictures as floating objects, move, resize, rotate and arrange them as needed. Borders and shading are supported. You can use Shape API to perform required operations with floating objects.

#Text Formatting Features

  • Character and Paragraph Formatting

    Provides all formatting features you would expect from a word processor. Characters can be formatted using different settings for font, font size, character style - bold, italics, underlined, strike-through style and different colors for background and foreground. Formatting options for paragraphs include alignment, indentation, variable paragraph and line spacing.

  • Bulleted and Numbered Lists
  • Styles

    The editor supports both paragraph and character based styles, as well as style inheritance. Stylesheets are compatible with Microsoft® Word®. Read more...

  • Syntax Highlighting

    You can apply custom formatting on-the-fly to different categories of terms in the text of a document.

#Text Editing Features

  • Paste Special

    The text and images can be copied and moved via the Clipboard. The Paste Special feature allows you to choose the format for data contained in the Clipboard and paste it within the document in the specified format.

  • Find and Replace

    The DXRichEdit Suite allows you to initiate these operations via code, and also provides a complete UI solution available to your end-users without having to write a single line of code. Regular Expressions are supported.

  • Unlimited Undo and Redo Operations
  • Images

    You can embed images inline in all popular formats, including JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIF, TIFF, WMF, EMF, DIB. Read more...

#Document Views and Layout

  • Predefined Views

    Like in Microsoft® Word®, we provide multiple predefined document layouts and allow you to freely switch between them while working on your document.

  • Zooming Documents In and Out

    All text processing features are available at any zoom level.

  • Document Sections

    Documents can be partitioned into a number of different sections with individual page settings.

  • Multi-column Document Layout

    This functionality allows you to lay out text in multiple columns within a particular section.

  • Headers and Footers

    Different headers and footers can be specified for the first page, odd and even pages, and each particular section. Page numbering fields (the current page number and the total number of pages) can be inserted. Read more...

  • Line Numbering

    You can add line numbering to document margins for certain types of legal documents. Line numbers can run continuously throughout the document, restart on each page or section or be suppressed for a specific paragraph. Read more...

The XtraRichEdit Suite supports bookmarks and hyperlinks.

#Document Protection

Document can be password-protected as read-only, and permissions can be granted to specific individuals to modify certain ranges of the document. Read more on document protection and ranges with permissions.

#Document and Operation Restrictions

  • Operation Restrictions - Commands such as Copy, Cut, Paste, Drag, Drop, Open, Save, Print, Zoom can be selectively disabled or hidden. Context menu can be disabled.


  • Document Restrictions - Character/paragraph formatting, inline images, hyperlinks and bookmarks, sections and tables functionality can be allowed or denied.


#Developer API

The control is built upon the RichEdit Core library and exposes a comprehensive set of methods, events and commands that enable a developer to build feature-rich applications.