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Included Components

  • 2 minutes to read

The DXLayoutControl for Silverlight suite provides a set of controls that enable a quick, easy and consistent control arrangement within an application. The three main controls of the suite are LayoutControl, FlowLayoutControl and DockLayoutControl. They differ in the way they arrange child controls.


LayoutControl - When you want to create a simple or compound non-linear layout of controls, use this container as the root of the layout.

Although the container arranges its child items in a single column or row, some of the items can be combined into either tabbed or regular groups, arranging their items either vertically or horizontally. This allows you to create non-linear layouts very easily.

The following are LayoutControl container's features:

  • Groups can be rendered as GroupBoxes (a container with a title), supporting the collapse feature.
  • Groups can present their children as tabs.
  • Automatic horizontal alignment of controls embedded into LayoutControl using LayoutItem wrappers.
  • Align child controls to the parent's edges, center controls or stretch them.
  • Resizing items via built-in sizers.
  • Runtime layout customization.
  • Capability to save and then restore layout of controls.
  • Design-time layout customization.

See Layout Control to learn more.


FlowLayoutControl - A container that arranges items in columns or rows, and allows the flow of the controls to be wrapped (automatically at the container's edge or manually at any child control).

The following are FlowLayoutControl container's features:

  • Arranging items into columns or rows/
  • Automatic and manual wrapping of item flow.
  • Stretching items.
  • Resizing items.
  • Drag-and-drop items.
  • Maximizing individual items.

See Flow Layout Control for more information.


DockLayoutControl - Represents a container that arranges items, docking them to its edges.

The following are DockLayoutControl container's features:

  • Child items are automatically docked to the top, left, bottom or right edge of the DockLayoutControl, or they occupy the remaining area of the container
  • Resizing items

See Dock Layout Control, for more information.