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Customization mode

  • 2 minutes to read


The LayoutControl supports runtime layout customization. In this mode, end-users can modify the layout of controls within a LayoutControl according to their requirements.

Customization mode is invoked by setting the LayoutControl.IsCustomization property to true. Setting this property to false accepts changes made to the layout and disables further customization.

Customizations made by end-users can be saved to and then restored from a data store. The Save and restore the LayoutControl's layout document provides more information on this topic.

The following describes customization capabilities available in Customization Mode.

#Move controls to new positions via drag-and-drop


#Resize controls


#Change the alignment and order of controls within parents


#Rename controls


This feature is available if the LayoutControl.AllowItemRenamingDuringCustomization property is set to true.

#Hide and then restore controls

To hide a layout item, click the close ('X') button.


Hidden controls can be accessed and then dragged back to the LayoutControl from the Available Items list.


This feature is available if the LayoutControl.AllowAvailableItemsDuringCustomization property is set to true.

#Select a control's parent and then modify its layout settings.


#Create new groups

  1. Hover over a button at the Layout Control's top left corner.


    This invokes the Available Items list.


  2. Drag-and-drop "New Group Box" or "New Tabbed Group" items to the layout.

    The "New Group Box" item creates a new LayoutGroup object whose LayoutGroup.View property is set to LayoutGroupView.GroupBox.

    The "New Tabbed Group" item creates a new LayoutGroup object whose LayoutGroup.View property is set to LayoutGroupView.Tabs. The created group contains two tabs.

After groups are created, you can move layout items to the groups using drag-and-drop.

This feature is available if the LayoutControl.AllowNewItemsDuringCustomization and LayoutControl.AllowAvailableItemsDuringCustomization properties are set to true.

#Add new tabs to a tabbed group

  1. Select a tabbed group to show a context window with customization buttons.
  2. Click the '+' customization button.


    This adds a new LayoutGroup as a child of the tabbed group.

After tabs are created, you can move layout items to tabs using drag-and-drop.

This feature is available if the LayoutControl.AllowNewItemsDuringCustomization and LayoutControl.AllowAvailableItemsDuringCustomization properties are set to true.