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PrintLayoutView Properties

Represents a page layout view of the Rich Edit control.
Name Description
AdjustColorsToSkins Specifies whether or not to obtain the font color and background color values from the current skin, if they have not been defined explicitly. Inherited from RichEditView.
AllowDisplayLineNumbers Gets or sets whether line numbers, when enabled, are displayed in the PrintLayoutView.
BackColor Gets or sets the background color of the View. Inherited from RichEditView.
Control Provides access to the IRichEditControl interface of the view owner. Inherited from RichEditView.
MaxHorizontalPageCount Gets or sets the maximum number of pages in a row at any zoom level.
PageHorizontalAlignment Gets or sets the alignment for displaying several pages in the PrintLayoutView.
Type Gets the RichEditControl View’s type.
ZoomFactor Gets or sets the current zoom level used to display the document. Inherited from RichEditView.
See Also