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SubDocument.AddParagraphToList(Paragraph, Int32, Int32) Method


This method has become obsolete. Use the 'AddParagraphToList' method instead.

Apply the numbering list format specified by the NumberingList object to the specified paragraph.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native

Assembly: DevExpress.RichEdit.v19.1.Core.dll


[Obsolete("This method has become obsolete. Use the 'DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native.ParagraphCollection.AddParagraphToList(Paragraph paragraph, int numberingListIndex, int levelIndex)' method instead.")]
void AddParagraphToList(
    Paragraph paragraph,
    int numberingListIndex,
    int levelIndex


Name Type Description
paragraph Paragraph

A Paragraph object that is the paragraph added to the list.

numberingListIndex Int32

An integer specifying the numbering list definition in the document whose attributes should be applied to the paragraph.

levelIndex Int32

An integer that is the list level applied to the paragraph.

See Also