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PdfBookmark.Title Property

Gets or sets the bookmark’s text on the navigation pane.

Namespace: DevExpress.Pdf

Assembly: DevExpress.Pdf.v24.1.Core.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Pdf.Core


public string Title { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

A String that is the text for a bookmark on the navigation pane.


This example shows how to create bookmarks with destinations in code:

using DevExpress.Pdf;

using (PdfDocumentProcessor processor = new PdfDocumentProcessor())
    // Load a document

    // Create destinations
    PdfDestination destination1 = processor.CreateDestination(1, 180, 150);
    PdfDestination destination2 = processor.CreateDestination(1, 168, 230);
    PdfDestination destination3 = processor.CreateDestination(1, 20, 350);

    // Associate bookmarks with created destinations
    processor.Document.Bookmarks.Add(new PdfBookmark()
         { Title = "PDF Document Processor", Destination = destination1 });
    processor.Document.Bookmarks.Add(new PdfBookmark()
         { Title = "Display, Print and Export PDF Documents", Destination = destination2 });
    processor.Document.Bookmarks.Add(new PdfBookmark()
         { Title = "Learn More", Destination = destination3 });

    // Save the result document
See Also