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Lesson 3: Enable the Edit Appointment Form

  • 2 minutes to read

SchedulerView‘s Edit Appointment Page allows users to edit appointments. You can specify a gesture (for example, tap or double tap) that invokes it.

Open the solution created in Lesson 2 and perform the following steps to set up the scheduler to show the Edit Appointment form when users tap an appointment:

  1. Subscribe to the SchedulerView.Tap event.

    <dxsch:SchedulerView x:Name="scheduler"
                        Start="{Binding StartDate}"
        <!-- ... -->
  2. In the event handler:

    1. Create an AppointmentEditPage instance using one of the following constructors.

    2. Call the Navigation.PushAsync method and pass the created page as a parameter.

      using Xamarin.Forms;
      using DevExpress.XamarinForms.Scheduler;
      namespace SchedulerExample {
          public partial class MainPage : ContentPage {
              public MainPage() {
              private void Scheduler_Tap(object sender, SchedulerGestureEventArgs e) {
                  if (e.AppointmentInfo == null) {
                  AppointmentItem appointment = e.AppointmentInfo.Appointment;
              private void ShowAppointmentEditPage(AppointmentItem appointment) {
                  AppointmentEditPage appEditPage = new AppointmentEditPage(this.scheduler, appointment);
              private void ShowNewAppointmentEditPage(IntervalInfo info) {
                  AppointmentEditPage appEditPage = new AppointmentEditPage(this.scheduler, info.Start, info.End, info.AllDay);


      The SchedulerGestureEventArgs.AppointmentInfo.Appointment returns an appointment that has a visual representation (an appointment with Type set to Normal, Occurrence, ChangedOccurrence, DeletedOccurrence). Obtain the occurrence’s pattern using the GetPattern method if you want to edit all occurrences in a recurrence chain.

  3. In the App.xaml.cs file, assign a NavigationPage instance to the Application.MainPage property and add the MainPage content page to the navigation stack (the application’s root page):

    namespace SchedulerExample {
        public partial class App : Application {
            public App() {
                // MainPage = new MainPage();
                MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MainPage());
            // ...

The scheduler now displays the Edit Appointment form when users tap an appointment.

Edit Appointment Form

The next lesson explains how to specify custom labels for appointments.