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BottomSheet Class

A view that slides out from the bottom of the screen and shows an action list or other supplemental content.

Namespace: DevExpress.Maui.Controls

Assembly: DevExpress.Maui.Controls.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Maui.Controls


public class BottomSheet :


In the following image, the Bottom Sheet shows detail information for a tapped Collection View item:

DevExpress Bottom Sheet for MAUI - A sample bottom sheet

Review our demo app on GitHub to try out the BottomSheet:

View Example

Bottom Sheet Elements (Anatomy)

The following figure shows basic elements of a bottom sheet:

DevExpress Bottom Sheet for MAUI -- Bottom sheet anatomy

Add a Bottom Sheet to the Page

Before you proceed, read the following topics:

The following example shows an action sheet when a user swipes up the page:

<ContentPage xmlns=""
             x:Class="BottomSheetSample.MainPage" Shell.TabBarIsVisible="False">
        <Style TargetType="dxc:SimpleButton" x:Key="buttonStyle">
            <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="{x:Null}" />
            <Setter Property="IconColor" Value="Gray" />
            <Setter Property="TextColor" Value="Gray" />
            <Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Start"/>
            <SwipeGestureRecognizer Direction="Up" Swiped="SwipeGestureRecognizer_Swiped"/>
        <dxc:BottomSheet x:Name="bottomSheet"
            <!--#region BottomSheetContent-->             
            <VerticalStackLayout Padding="4,20,4,4">
                <dxc:SimpleButton Text="Share" Icon="share" Style="{x:StaticResource buttonStyle}" Clicked="SimpleButton_Clicked"/>
                <dxc:SimpleButton Text="Get link" Icon="hyperlink" Style="{x:StaticResource buttonStyle}" Clicked="SimpleButton_Clicked"/>
                <dxc:SimpleButton Text="Edit name" Icon="pencil" Style="{x:StaticResource buttonStyle}" Clicked="SimpleButton_Clicked"/>
using DevExpress.Maui.Controls;
namespace BottomSheetSample;
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage {
    public MainPage() {
    private void SwipeGestureRecognizer_Swiped(object sender, SwipedEventArgs e) {
        bottomSheet.State = BottomSheetState.HalfExpanded;
    private void SimpleButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) {

Change the Expanded State

Use the State property to specify the current state of the Bottom Sheet (FullExpanded, HalfExpanded, or Hidden). You can also call the BottomSheet.Show method to expand the bottom sheet.

Users can interact with the sheet’s upper edge to resize the sheet (“swipe up” gesture) or collapse it (“swipe down” gesture). You can disable the AllowDismiss property to prevent users from closing the bottom sheet with a swipe. For better usability, you can enable the ShowGrabber property to show the drag handle.

A user can also tap outside the bottom sheet to hide it (the State property value turns into Hidden).

To limit possible states, specify the AllowedState property. For example, you can select the All option to allow both HalfExpanded and FullExpanded states, or allow only one of them.

Respond to the State Change

Once the Bottom Sheet’s state is changed, the StateChanged event occurs. Handle the event to respond to state changes:

<dxc:BottomSheet ...
using DevExpress.Maui.Core;
    private void bottomSheet_StateChanged(object sender, DevExpress.Maui.Core.ValueChangedEventArgs<BottomSheetState> e) {
        // Code that runs when the Bottom Sheet's state changes.

To receive the previous and current State property values, use the event arguments’ OldValue and NewValue properties.

Specify the Height in the Half Expanded State

Define the HalfExpandedRatio property to set how much full screen height space the bottom sheet occupies in the Half-Expanded state:

HalfExpandedRatio = 0.3 HalfExpandedRatio = 0.7
DevExpress Bottom Sheet for MAUI - Half Expanded Ratio - 0.3 DevExpress Bottom Sheet for MAUI - Half Expanded Ratio - 0.3

Show as a Modal Dialog

If you enable the IsModal property, the Bottom Sheet acts as a dialog page. It blocks the rest of the app UI until dismissed by a user. Note that runtime changes to the IsModal property have no effect on bottom sheet behavior.

<dxc:BottomSheet ...

Customize the Appearance

The BottomSheet component exposes the following properties that configure appearance settings:

Specifies the BottomSheet’s fill color.
Defines the drag handle color.

Specifies the upper corner radius. Set the CornerRadius property to a value greater than 28 (default) for smoother and rounder corners:

CornerRadius = 30 CornerRadius = 70
DevExpress BottomSheet for MAUI - CornerRadius = 30 DevExpress BottomSheet for MAUI - CornerRadius = 70
Specifies the space between the bottom sheet content and the edges.
<dxc:BottomSheet ...


  1. Errors may occur if you add a Button object to a Bottom Sheet. We recommend that you use a SimpleButton instead. Another option is a Label with a TapGestureRecognizer.

    See also: Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException: The style on this component requires your app theme to be Theme.MaterialComponent

  2. You cannot change the scrim color due to native component specifics.

  3. iOS platform: the HalfExpandedRatio property value is in effect for iOS 16 and later. In earlier versions, the HalfExpandedRatio value is always 0.5.

The following featured scenarios show how you can use the BottomSheet class:

Master-Detail View with BottomSheet Control Bottom Sheet Featured Scenario

Google Maps-Inspired POI Details Search Bar Featured Scenario

Display Filtering UI Elements in a BottomSheet Filtering UI Elements in BottomSheet Featured Scenario

See Also