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ASPxClientDashboard.ItemClick Event

Occurs when an end-user clicks a dashboard item.

Namespace: DevExpress.DashboardWeb.Scripts

Assembly: DevExpress.Dashboard.v18.2.Web.WebForms.Scripts.dll


public event ASPxClientDashboardItemClickEventHandler ItemClick

Event Data

The ItemClick event's data class is ASPxClientDashboardItemClickEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
ItemName Gets the name of the dashboard item for which the event has been raised.

The event data class exposes the following methods:

Method Description
GetAxisPoint(String) Returns the axis point corresponding to the clicked visual element.
GetData() Gets the dashboard item’s client data.
GetDeltas() Gets deltas corresponding to the clicked visual element.
GetDimensions(String) Gets the dimensions used to create a hierarchy of axis points for the specified axis.
GetMeasures() Gets measures corresponding to the clicked visual element.
RequestUnderlyingData(ASPxClientDashboardItemRequestUnderlyingDataCompleted, String[]) Requests underlying data corresponding to the clicked visual element.


Use the ASPxClientDashboardItemClickEventArgs.ItemName event parameter to obtain the dashboard item name for which the event has been raised.

The ASPxClientDashboardItemClickEventArgs.GetAxisPoint allows you to obtain the axis point corresponding to the clicked visual element. Use the ASPxClientDashboardItemClickEventArgs.RequestUnderlyingData method to request the underlying data related to this visual element.

The ASPxClientDashboardItemClickEventArgs.GetData method returns the client data for this dashboard item.


The ItemClick event has the following limitations:

See Also