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MVCxDashboardViewer Class

An ASP.NET MVC equivalent of the ASPxDashboardViewer control.

Namespace: DevExpress.DashboardWeb.Mvc

Assembly: DevExpress.Dashboard.v18.2.Web.Mvc5.dll


public class MVCxDashboardViewer :



This documentation applies to v16.2. Starting with v17.1, the ASPxDashboardViewer control is in maintenance mode. In v19.1, the new Web Dashboard Control replaces the old Web Dashboard Viewer. This means that the Web Dashboard Viewer will not be included in our installation packages. See our blog post for more information.

Refer to the following KB articles to learn how to migrate to ASPxDashboard / ASP.NET MVC Dashboard:

The MVCxDashboardViewer class renders the DashboardViewerExtension in ASP.NET MVC applications.

In most scenarios, it is not required to use the MVCxDashboardViewer class in the production code.

To properly follow the ASP.NET MVC pattern when implementing a Dashboard Viewer, use the DashboardViewerExtension and DashboardViewerSettings classes.

The MVCxClientDashboardViewer class is the client-side counterpart of the MVCxDashboardViewer control.

To learn about using these classes, refer to Integration of the DashboardViewer Extension into the Project.


The following example demonstrates how to load a dashboard to an MVC Dashboard Viewer at runtime.

@using(Html.BeginForm()) {
See Also