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Manage Dashboard State

  • 3 minutes to read

A dashboard state describes the changes resulting from end-user interaction. The dashboard state is the DashboardState class instance and can contain the following objects:

Dashboard State Object


Selected master filter values for dashboard items.


Current drill-down levels for dashboard items.


Selected Range Filter interval.


Selected dashboard item layers for the following items:


A selected tab page.


Dashboard parameter values.


Use the DashboardState.Items property to get access to the dashboard item state collection.

The DashboardViewer provides the following API to manage the dashboard state:

Member Description
DashboardViewer.GetDashboardState Gets the current dashboard state.
DashboardViewer.SetDashboardState Applies the dashboard state to the loaded dashboard.
DashboardViewer.SetInitialDashboardState Allows you to specify the initial dashboard state when loading a dashboard.



The complete sample project How to Save and Restore the Dashboard State is available in the DevExpress Examples repository.

The following code snippet shows how to create a dashboard state for in code:

public DashboardState CreateDashboardState()
    DashboardState state = new DashboardState();
    // Set a range for a Range Filter.
    state.Items.Add(new DashboardItemState("rangeFilterDashboardItem1")
        RangeFilterState = new RangeFilterState(
            new RangeFilterSelection(
                new DateTime(2015, 1, 1), new DateTime(2017, 1, 1)))
    // Specify master filter and drill-down values.
    state.Items.Add(new DashboardItemState("gridDashboardItem1")
        MasterFilterValues = new List<object[]>() { 
            new object[] { "Gravad lax" }, 
            new object[] { "Ikura" } },
        DrillDownValues = new List<object>() { "Seafood" }
    // Set a dashboard item layer.
    state.Items.Add(new DashboardItemState("treemapDashboardItem1")
        SelectedLayerIndex = 1
    // Specify a default tab page.
    state.Items.Add(new DashboardItemState("tabContainerDashboardItem1")
        TabPageName = "dashboardTabPage2"
    // Define a dashboard parameter value.
    state.Parameters.Add(new DashboardParameterState()
        Name = "ParameterCountry",
        Value = "UK",
        Type = typeof(string)
    return state;
See Also