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Customize Dashboard Colors

  • 3 minutes to read

The Dashboard Designer provides the capability to manage the coloring of dashboard item elements. To learn more, see Coloring.

The DashboardViewer allows you to color specified dashboard item elements (for instance, chart series points, pie segments or scatter chart points) at runtime by handling the DashboardViewer.DashboardItemElementCustomColor event. For instance, this can be used to color specified elements based on their values. The image below shows the Chart dashboard item whose bars are colored based on their values: values that exceed 200k are colored in green, values below 100k are colored in red, and values that fall into the range between 100k and 200k are colored in gray.


The DashboardItemElementCustomColorEventArgs class exposes the following settings that allow you to color the required element.


By default, the Chart dashboard item colors lines (or fills areas) for the Line/Area series types using the color of the first series point. For these lines/areas, the DashboardItemElementCustomColorEventArgs.TargetElement property returns a tuple that does not contain the AxisPoint on the DashboardDataAxisNames.ChartArgumentAxis.


The following example demonstrates how to color dashboard item elements using the DashboardViewer.DashboardItemElementCustomColor event.

In this example, chart series points, whose values exceed specified thresholds, are colored in green. Chart series points, whose values fall below specified thresholds, are colored in red.

Pie segments, whose contributions in total fall below the specified threshold, are colored in orange.

Imports System.Drawing
Imports DevExpress.XtraEditors
Imports DevExpress.DashboardWin
Imports DevExpress.DashboardCommon
Imports DevExpress.DashboardCommon.ViewerData

Namespace Dashboard_ElementCustomColor
    Partial Public Class Form1
        Inherits XtraForm

        Public Sub New()
        End Sub

        Private Sub dashboardViewer1_DashboardItemElementCustomColor(ByVal sender As Object, _
                                     ByVal e As DashboardItemElementCustomColorEventArgs) _
                                 Handles dashboardViewer1.DashboardItemElementCustomColor

            Dim data As MultiDimensionalData = e.Data
            Dim currentElement As AxisPointTuple = e.TargetElement

            If e.DashboardItemName = "chartDashboardItem1" Then
                Dim country As String = _
                Dim value As Decimal = _
                If country = "UK" AndAlso value > 50000 OrElse country = "USA" AndAlso value > 100000 _
                    e.Color = Color.DarkGreen
                    e.Color = Color.DarkRed
                End If
            End If
            If e.DashboardItemName = "pieDashboardItem1" Then
                Dim value As Decimal = _
                If value < 100000 Then
                    e.Color = Color.Orange
                End If
            End If
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace