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Order of Events in the WinForms Viewer

  • 5 minutes to read

The process of loading/using a dashboard in the WinForms Viewer can be divided into the following steps.

This topic describes the events that are raised during each operation.

1. Loading a Dashboard

The following table shows the events related to initial dashboard loading.




The DashboardViewer.DashboardLoaded is the first event which is raised when the dashboard is being loaded.

You can use the DashboardLoadedEventArgs.Dashboard event parameter to customize the dashboard before it is loaded to the Dashboard Viewer.

2. Providing Data

The following table shows the order of events related to data binding.





The DashboardViewer.CustomParameters event is raised before the Dashboard Viewer sends a query to a database server and allows you to specify parameter settings (for instance, specify a parameter value).


The DashboardViewer.ConfigureDataConnection event allows you to customize settings used to establish a connection to SQL databases, OLAP cubes or Excel Data Sources.


Note that the DashboardViewer.DataLoading event is fired instead DashboardViewer.ConfigureDataConnection if the dashboard is supplied with data using the Object Data Source.

This event is raised if the dashboard is supplied with data using the SQL/OLAP/Excel data source.


When current connection parameters do not allow you to connect to a data store (for instance, the server name is specified incorrectly), the DashboardViewer.ConnectionError event is raised. Handle the ConnectionError event and override the default behavior in this case.

This event is raised if the dashboard is supplied with data using the SQL/OLAP/Excel data source and the current connection parameters do not allow you to connect to a data store.


The DashboardViewer.ValidateCustomSqlQuery event allows you to check the validity of the custom SQL query used to supply the dashboard with data.

This event is raised each time the custom SQL query, which is used to supply the dashboard with data, needs to be validated. This is true if the SQL Data Source is used as a dashboard data source and the custom SQL query is used to select data.


The DashboardViewer.CustomFilterExpression event allows you to include WHERE clauses in SQL queries for SQL data sources.

This event is raised if the dashboard is supplied with data using the SQL data source.

3. Setting Up a Filter State

The following table describes the events related to default filter state of filter elements and master filter items.

Event Description Note
DashboardViewer.MasterFilterDefaultValues The DashboardViewer.MasterFilterDefaultValues event allows you to apply default filtering to master filter items.
DashboardViewer.RangeFilterDefaultValue The DashboardViewer.RangeFilterDefaultValue provides the capability to apply default filtering to a Range Filter dashboard item. This event is raised if the dashboard contains a Range Filter dashboard item.

4. Customizing a Dashboard/Dashboard Items

The following table describes the events that allow you to customize a dashboard and dashboard items before the dashboard will be opened.





The DashboardViewer.DashboardItemElementCustomColor event allows you to color the required dashboard item elements (for instance, chart series points, pie segments) using the specified colors.

This event is raised if the dashboard contains one of the following dashboard items.


The DashboardViewer.DashboardItemVisualInteractivity event allows you to provide custom visual interactivity for data-bound dashboard items that support element selection and highlighting.

This event is raised if the dashboard contains dashboard items that support element selection and highlighting.


The DashboardViewer.CustomizeDashboardTitle event allows you to customize the content displayed within the dashboard title at runtime.


The DashboardViewer.CustomizeDashboardItemCaption event allows you to customize the content displayed within the dashboard item caption at runtime.

5. Customizing Underlying Controls

If necessary, you can customize underlying controls used to visualize data within dashboard items using the following events.

Event Description Note
DashboardViewer.DashboardItemControlCreated The DashboardViewer.DashboardItemControlCreated event allows you to access underlying WinForms controls. Handle this event to subscribe to events of the underlying control. This event is raised if the dashboard contains specific items. To learn more, see Access to Underlying Controls.
DashboardViewer.DashboardItemControlUpdated The DashboardViewer.DashboardItemControlUpdated event allows you to access underlying WinForms controls and change their settings This event is raised if the dashboard contains specific items. To learn more, see Access to Underlying Controls.
DashboardViewer.DashboardItemBeforeControlDisposed The DashboardViewer.DashboardItemBeforeControlDisposed event allows you to unsubscribe from events of the underlying control. This event is raised if the dashboard contains specific items. To learn more, see Access to Underlying Controls.

6. Using a Dashboard

Note that the DashboardViewer.DashboardChanged event occurs after a dashboard has been opened.

The following table describes the events related to an end-user actions or corresponding API method calls.






These events are raised when master filter/selection state is changed.



These events are raised when drill down/drill up is performed.









These events related to mouse actions performed by an end-user.


The DashboardViewer.PopupMenuShowing event allows you to customize a popup menu invoked by end-users.


The DashboardViewer.LayoutChanged event is raised after the dashboard layout is changed.