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The topics in this section describe the features available in the Chart dashboard item, and provide information on how to create and customize charts in the DevExpress Dashboard Suite.

Watch Video: DevExpress Dashboards: Working With Charts (YouTube)


This section is divided into the following subsections.

  • Providing Data

    Provides information on how to supply the Chart dashboard item with data.

  • Series

    Enumerates and describes different types of series that can be displayed within the Chart dashboard item.

  • Panes

    Introduces the concept of chart panes (visual areas within a diagram that display chart series), and provides information on how to create them.

  • Interactivity

    Describes features that enable interaction between the Chart and other dashboard items.

  • Coloring

    Describes coloring capabilities of the Chart dashboard item.

  • Axes

    Describes how to customize settings related to chart axes.

  • Trend Indicators

    Describes how to create trend indicators and display them in Chart dashboard items.

  • Legend

    Provides information about the chart legend and its options.

  • Orientation

    Describes how to toggle the chart’s orientation.

  • Formatting Specifics

    Describes the specifics of value formatting in the Chart dashboard item.

  • Conditional Formatting

    Describes the chart-specific format condition settings.

  • Printing and Exporting

    Describes printing and exporting specifics of a Chart dashboard item.