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TimeRuler Properties

A time ruler.
Name Description
AdjustForDaylightSavingTime Gets or sets whether the time ruler maintains daylight-saving time.
AlwaysShowTimeDesignator Gets or sets whether the AM/PM designator is shown for each hour.
AlwaysShowTopRowTime Gets or sets a value indicating whether the time value should be always shown for the top row.
Caption Gets or sets the time ruler’s caption.
HorizontalAlignment Gets or sets on which side of the view the Time ruler is displayed.
ShowCurrentTime Obsolete. Gets or sets the visibility mode of the time marker for the current TimeRuler.
ShowMinutes Gets or sets whether minutes are displayed by the time ruler.
TimeMarkerVisibility Gets or sets the visibility mode of the time marker for the current TimeRuler.
TimeZoneId Gets or sets the time zone displayed by the time ruler.
UseClientTimeZone Gets or sets whether a particular TimeRuler always uses the ClientTimeZoneId setting.
Visible Gets or sets whether a TimeRuler element is displayed within the Scheduler control.
See Also