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SchedulerOptionsCustomization Properties

Provides customization options for the Scheduler control.
Name Description
AllowAppointmentConflicts Gets or sets whether a user is allowed to share the schedule time between two or more appointments.
AllowAppointmentCopy Gets or sets whether a user is allowed to copy appointments.
AllowAppointmentCreate Gets or sets whether a user is allowed to create new appointments.
AllowAppointmentDelete Gets or sets whether a user is allowed to delete appointments.
AllowAppointmentDrag Gets or sets whether a user is allowed to drag and drop appointments to another time slot or date.
AllowAppointmentDragBetweenResources Gets or sets whether a user is allowed to drag and drop appointments between resources.
AllowAppointmentEdit Gets or sets whether a user is allowed to edit appointments.
AllowAppointmentMultiSelect Gets or sets whether a user is allowed to select more than one appointment simultaneously.
AllowAppointmentResize Gets or sets whether a user is allowed to change the time boundaries of appointments.
AllowDisplayAppointmentDependencyForm Gets or sets whether a user can invoke the Appointment Dependency dialog.
AllowDisplayAppointmentFlyout Gets or sets whether the appointment flyout can be displayed.
AllowDisplayAppointmentForm Gets or sets whether the Appointment Form can be invoked.
AllowInplaceEditor Gets or sets whether an inplace editor can be activated for an appointment.
RecurrenceFormEditors Gets or sets the recurrences that a user can enable in the Appointment Recurrence Form.
See Also