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IAsyncReportService Methods

If implemented by a class, provides a service contract for the ReportServiceClient.
Name Description
BeginClearDocument(DocumentId, AsyncCallback, Object) Starts clearing the content of the specified document. Inherited from IAsyncExportService.
BeginGetBuildStatus(DocumentId, AsyncCallback, Object) Starts obtaining the document build status.
BeginGetDocumentData(DocumentId, AsyncCallback, Object) Starts obtaining the document data.
BeginGetExportedDocument(ExportId, AsyncCallback, Object) Starts obtaining the exported document. Inherited from IAsyncExportService.
BeginGetExportStatus(ExportId, AsyncCallback, Object) Starts obtaining the current status of the exported document. Inherited from IAsyncExportService.
BeginGetLookUpValues(InstanceIdentity, ReportParameter[], String[], AsyncCallback, Object) Starts obtaining the parameter lookup values.
BeginGetPages(DocumentId, Int32[], PageCompatibility, AsyncCallback, Object) Starts obtaining the document pages.
BeginGetPrintDocument(PrintId, AsyncCallback, Object) Starts obtaining the printed document.
BeginGetPrintStatus(PrintId, AsyncCallback, Object) Starts obtaining the status of the printed document.
BeginGetReportParameters(InstanceIdentity, AsyncCallback, Object) Starts obtaining the report parameters.
BeginStartBuild(InstanceIdentity, ReportBuildArgs, AsyncCallback, Object) Starts the initial phase of asynchronously building the report.
BeginStartExport(DocumentId, DocumentExportArgs, AsyncCallback, Object) Starts the initial phase of asynchronous document export. Inherited from IAsyncExportService.
BeginStartPrint(DocumentId, PageCompatibility, AsyncCallback, Object) Starts the initial phase of asynchronously printing of the specified document.
BeginStopBuild(DocumentId, AsyncCallback, Object) Starts the terminal phase of asynchronously building the report.
BeginStopPrint(PrintId, AsyncCallback, Object) Starts the terminal phase of asynchronously printing the document.
EndClearDocument(IAsyncResult) Ends clearing the content of a document. Inherited from IAsyncExportService.
EndGetBuildStatus(IAsyncResult) Ends obtaining the document build status.
EndGetDocumentData(IAsyncResult) Ends obtaining the document data.
EndGetExportedDocument(IAsyncResult) Ends obtaining the exported document. Inherited from IAsyncExportService.
EndGetExportStatus(IAsyncResult) Ends obtaining the current status of the exported document. Inherited from IAsyncExportService.
EndGetLookUpValues(IAsyncResult) Ends obtaining the parameter lookup values.
EndGetPages(IAsyncResult) Ends obtaining the document pages.
EndGetPrintDocument(IAsyncResult) Ends obtaining the printed document.
EndGetPrintStatus(IAsyncResult) Ends obtaining the status of the printed document.
EndGetReportParameters(IAsyncResult) Ends obtaining the report parameters.
EndStartBuild(IAsyncResult) Ends the initial phase of asynchronously building the report.
EndStartExport(IAsyncResult) Ends the initial phase of asynchronous document export. Inherited from IAsyncExportService.
EndStartPrint(IAsyncResult) Ends the initial phase of asynchronously printing the document.
EndStopBuild(IAsyncResult) Ends the terminal phase of asynchronously building the document.
EndStopPrint(IAsyncResult) Ends the terminal phase of asynchronously printing the document.
See Also