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IChooseEFConnectionStringPageView Members

If implemented, provides a view for the Select a Connection String page of the Data Source Wizard.


Name Description
Mode If implemented, specifies the type of the data connection to an Entity Framework data source.
NewConnectionName If implemented, specifies the name of a new data connection.
NewConnectionString If implemented, specifies the connection string used to establish a connection to an Entity Framework data source.
SelectedConnectionName If implemented, specifies the name of the connection selected from the list of available connections.
ShouldSaveConnectionString If implemented, specifies whether to save the connection string to the dedicated storage.


Name Description
Initialize(ConfigureConnectionMode, IEnumerable<String>, Boolean) If implemented, initializes a wizard page with the list of available connections.
SetCanSaveToStorage(Boolean) If implemented, sets whether the connection string can be saved to the dedicated storage.


Name Description
Changed Occurs when the selected item in the list of available connections is changed.
See Also