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One Key Templates

  • 3 minutes to read

The following templates are expanded by pressing a single key. Most of these have narrow contexts associated with them, so the same letters can have multiple expansions, and most letters can be used as local variables if needed.

Template Expansion Context
. /* */ Expands outside comments or strings.
~ Destructor Expands in a class body only.
a Abstract class Expands on an empty line, in a namespace, class, or struct.
b { } Expands outside comments or strings
c Class with default constructor Expands on an empty line, in a namespace, class, or struct.
c case block Expands on an empty line, in a switch block.
d Delegate Expands on an empty line, in a namespace, class, or struct.
d Default block Expands on an empty line, in a switch block.
e Public enum Expands on an empty line, in a namespace, class, or struct.
f false Expands in code blocks only.
f Field declaration Expands inside a class or struct.
f for loop Expands on an empty line inside a method or property accessor body.
g Property get accessor Expands in property body only.
i Interface Expands in a namespace body only.
l else Expands in code blocks only.
m Void method or Sub Expands in classes, interfaces, and structs, but not inside methods or properties.
n null Expands in code blocks only.
o Initialized read-only field declaration Expands in classes, interfaces, and structs, but not inside methods or properties.
o Initialized variable declaration Expands in methods or property accessors.
p Property declaration Expands in classes, interfaces, and structs, but not inside methods or properties.
q Initialized read-only field declaration Expands in classes, interfaces, and structs, but not inside methods or properties.
q Initialized variable declaration Expands in methods or property accessors.
r Smart Return Expands in code blocks only.
s Property set accessor Expands in property body only.
s Struct declaration Expands in namespace, class or struct.
t true Expands in code blocks only.
t Test method Expands in a class on an empty line, provided that project has a reference to a supported testing framework.
u using statement Expands outside of a class.
u using block Expands in code blocks only.
v virtual Expands in a method or property declaration.
w while block Expands on an empty line inside a method or property accessor body
x Exception class descendant declaration. Expands on an empty line, in a namespace, class, or struct.