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The Embedding options page contains the Embedding options.


The embedding list is at the left part of the options page. The buttons located over the list enable you to manage embeddings:

Button Description
bEmbeddingAdd Adds a new embedding over the selected embedding. If the last embedding is selected, the new embedding is added to the end of the list.
bEmbeddingShow Specifies whether the embedding can be accessed via the Smart Tags context menu or not. The embedding can be accessed via a shortcut, regardless of the button state.
bEmbeddingBeginGroup Specifies whether a group delimiter is inserted before the selected embedding.
bEmbeddingDelete Deletes the selected embedding.

All these buttons are duplicated in the embedding list context menu, which additionally enables you to duplicate the selected embedding, and move it up or down within the list.



The selected embedding options are at the right part of the options page:


Specifies the embedding name. You can use the embedding name as a parameter for the Embed command in the Shortcuts options page, to specify a shortcut for the embedding.



The embedding caption.



Specifies the position of the embedded text within generated code. You can choose one of the following values:

Value Description
bEmbSurroundSelection The text can be placed over the first line of a selection, under the last line, and to the right and to the left of each line.
bEmbTopBottom The text can be placed only over and under a selection.
bEmbLeftRight The text can be placed to the right and to the left of each line of a selection.
bEmbByLines The text can be placed over the first line of a selection, under the last line, and to the right and left of each line. But, this style enables you to additionally specify the text placed to the left of the first line and to the right of the last line.
bEmbBeforeAfter The first part of the text can be placed over a selection and to the left of the first line. The second part of the text can be placed to the right of the last line and under a selection.


Place Left Text

This option specifies position of the text placed to the left of a string. The available values are:

  • Start of line
  • Start of code (skip whitespaces)
  • Align with first line
  • Specified column

Place Right Text

This option specifies position of the text placed to the right of a string. The available values are:

  • End of line
  • End of code (skip whitespaces)
  • Align with longest line
  • Specified column


Indent selection

Specifies whether an indent is added to the right of the embedding.


Modify empty lines

Specifies whether the specified text is added to the left and to the right of an empty string. If the option is unchecked, the empty strings of the selection are left as is.


The embedding text

The field at the bottom of the options page specifies the embedding text. You can use text commands and string providers in the embedding text. They are available via the context menu.

The toolbar over the option provides quick access to text commands.



This product is designed for outdated versions of Visual Studio. Although Visual Studio 2015 is supported, consider using the CodeRush extension with Visual Studio 2015 or higher.