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Quick Nav

  • 2 minutes to read

The Quick Nav page enables you to specify the Quick Navigation feature options.


The options page includes the following options:

Option Description
Preview target locations when Control key is held down. If this option is on, Quick Navigation highlights the selected element when you press Ctrl.
Highlight color Specifies the color of the element highlight.
Draw selection bars Specifies whether the top-left and bottom-right corners of the previewed element are additionally highlighted with bold lines. You can also specify the highlight line thickness.
Outline preview Specifies whether the previewed element is contoured with a thin semi-transparent line.
Show qualifier for elements Specifies whether an element qualifier is shown to the left of an element name.
Layer previewed code with a semi-transparent fill If this option is on, the previewed element is shown on a semi-transparent colored fill.
Preview Shows how a previewed element looks with the current highlight settings applied.
Drop markers when jumping to new locations (for quick return with Escape) Specifies whether Quick Navigation drops a marker onto the initial cursor position before jumping to a new location.
Positioning Specifies the position of the Quick Navigation tool window. You can choose one of the following values: Move the Quick Nav window near code previews; Only move the Quick Nav window when it hides the code preview; Do not move the Quick Nav window during code previews.


This product is designed for outdated versions of Visual Studio. Although Visual Studio 2015 is supported, consider using the CodeRush extension with Visual Studio 2015 or higher.