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Plug-in Manager

  • 2 minutes to read

The Plug-in Manager options page enables you to manage CodeRush Classic plug-ins.


The installed plug-ins are listed in a table that has the following structure:

Column Description
Assembly Type The read-only field that shows the plug-in assembly type. The available types are PlugIn and SystemPlugIn. SystemPlugIn assemblies have higher loading priority than PlugIn assemblies.
Assembly Name The read-only field that shows the assembly name.
Load Type Specifies the plug-in load type. The field can have one of the following values: StartUp - plug-in is loaded at Visual Studio startup; Idle - plug-in is loaded at Visual Studio idle; Demand - plug-in is loaded when it’s functions are called by any item listed in the tree view to the right of the table. Default - the default value is Demand.
Load State The read-only field that indicates whether the plug-in assembly is loaded to the memory. If the plug-in is unloaded, you can load it immediately. Just click the obtLoadPlugIn button. Plug-ins cannot be unloaded during a Visual Studio session. To prevent the next loading of the plug-in, use the Suppress Loading field. If you check Always Disabled, the plug in will not be loaded until the field value is unchecked.
Load Time The read-only field that shows the time period (in seconds) during which the plug-in was being loaded.
Suppress Loading Check this field to suppress the plug-in from loading in the next Visual Studio session.
Always Disabled Check this field to always suppress the plug-in from loading.
Evaluation Status The read-only field that shows the evaluation status of the plug-in.

The tree view to the right of the table lists items that call the selected plug-in functions. For instance, these are events, actions, options pages, services etc.

The buttons over the table are intended to control the selected table item:

  • obtLoadPlugIn - loads the selected plug-in assembly into memory. The button is only available for unloaded plug-ins.
  • obtRefreshPlugIns - refreshes the Plug-ins list.
  • obtGoToOptionPage - opens the options page which is selected in the tree view. The button is available if an options page is selected in the tree view.
  • obtDeletePlugInAssembly - deletes the selected plug-in assembly from the disk. This button is only available for unloaded plug-ins.


This product is designed for outdated versions of Visual Studio. Although Visual Studio 2015 is supported, consider using the CodeRush extension with Visual Studio 2015 or higher.