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Add to Interface

Adds a method to an interface implemented by the current class. If the class implements several interfaces, the you should specify the interface to which the method will be added. The refactoring activates Linked Identifiers for the method references.


Available from the context menu or via shortcuts:

  • when the cursor is on a method name within the method declaration, provided that the current class implements an interface that does not include the method.


internal interface ITestClass
class TestClass : ITestClass
    public void TestMethod(string str)
Interface ITestClass

End Interface
Class TestClass
    Implements ITestClass
    Public Sub TestMethod(ByVal str As String)

    End Sub
End Class


internal interface ITestClass
    void TestMethod(string str);
class TestClass : ITestClass
    public void TestMethod(string str)
Interface ITestClass
    Sub TestMethod(ByVal str As String)
End Interface
Class TestClass
    Implements ITestClass
    Public Sub TestMethod(ByVal str As String) Implements ITestClass.TestMethod
    End Sub
End Class

