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Introduce Alias

  • 2 minutes to read

Introduces a new file-scoped alias for the current type or namespace name, and replaces it with the newly-created alias.


Available from the context menu or via shortcuts:

  • when the caret is on a reference to a type. This reference should contain namespace information.


  • When applying this refactoring, you can choose whether to create an alias for the namespace where the referenced type is, or for the entire type reference.
  • Once an alias has been created, Rename is automatically invoked, so you can provide a proper alias name.
  • If you want to replace all matching references with the newly declared alias, use the Introduce Alias (replace all) refactoring.
  • This refactoring is the opposite of Replace with Alias.


using System;

namespace MyApplication
    class TestClass
        private System.Drawing.Rectangle MyRec = new System.Drawing.Rectangle();
Namespace MyApplication
    Public Class TestClass
        Private MyRec As System.Drawing.Rectangle = New System.Drawing.Rectangle()
    End Class
End Namespace


using System;
using RectangleAlias = System.Drawing.Rectangle;

namespace MyApplication
    class TestClass
        private RectangleAlias MyRec = new RectangleAlias();
Imports RectangleAlias = System.Drawing.Rectangle
Namespace MyApplication
    Public Class TestClass
        Private MyRec As RectangleAlias = New RectangleAlias()
    End Class
End Namespace



See Also