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Remove Empty Handler

Removes an empty event handler along with the event handler assignment.


Available from the context menu or via shortcuts:

  • when the edit cursor or caret is on an empty method that handles an event.


This refactoring is only available in Windows Forms applications.


class TestClass
    public TestClass()
        TestButton = new Button();
        TestButton.Click += TestButton_Click;   
    public Button TestButton;
    private void TestButton_Click(Object Sender, EventArgs e)

Class TestClass
    Public Sub New()
        TestButton = New Button()
    End Sub
    Friend WithEvents TestButton As Button
    Private Sub TestButton_Click(ByVal Sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles TestButton.Click

    End Sub
End Class


class TestClass
    public TestClass()
        TestButton = new Button();
    public Button TestButton;
Class TestClass
    Public Sub New()
        TestButton = New Button()
    End Sub
    Friend WithEvents TestButton As Button
End Class

