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Advanced Filter Options (Quick Navigation)

  • 2 minutes to read

Additional filter options allow you to restrict the list to certain members or access modifiers. By default, these options are hidden. To display them, click QuickNav_adFiltButton.


There are four groups of additional filters: Members, Types, Access, and Scope.

  • Members

    Use the member filters to specify which kind of members are included in the list. To include a member in the Quick Navigation list, push the corresponding button down.

    qnMethod Methods

    qnProperty Properties

    qnEvent Events

    qnField Fields

    qnParameter Parameters and local variables (in the active method or property)


    Right-click a filter button to invoke the context menu. This menu contains commands that allow you to quickly include or exclude all members.

  • Types

    Use type filters to specify which kinds of types are included in the list.

    qnClass Classes

    qnInterface Interfaces

    qnStructure Structures

    qnEnum Enumerations

    qnDelegate Delegates


    Right-click a filter button to invoke the context menu. This menu contains commands that allow you to quickly include or exclude all types.

  • Access

    Use access filters to specify the visibility (e.g., private, public, etc.) of identifiers contained in the list.

    qnPrivate Private

    qnProtected Protected

    qnInternal Internal

    qnProtectedInternal Protected Internal

    qnPublic Public



    Access filter settings don’t affect the Parameters and local variables filter (qnParameter).

  • Scope

    Use scope filters to determine which files and namespaces supply identifiers to the list. These options function like radio buttons, so only one option is available. By default, the list contains identifiers from all opened files. To speed up the performance, select the ‘Current file’ scope filter.

    qnAllFiles All files, including miscellaneous files not part of the active solution.

    qnSolution All files that belong to the current solution.

    qnProject All files that belong to the current project.

    qnNamespace The current namespace.

    qnCurrentFile The current file.


This product is designed for outdated versions of Visual Studio. Although Visual Studio 2015 is supported, consider using the CodeRush extension with Visual Studio 2015 or higher.

See Also