Case statement has incorrect range of integers expression (VB)
CodeRush Classic shows the Case statement has incorrect range of integers expression (VB) code issue if the Case statement has an incorrect range of integers. For instance, 10 - 20 instead of 10 To 20.
This code issue is available only in Visual Basic code.
Correct the range of integers in the Case statement.
Highlights Case statements with values specified as “A - B”. For example, Case 10 - 20. This statement is equivalent to Case -10, because the compiler recognizes “10 - 20” as a subtraction operation. Use the To keyword instead of “-” to correctly specify the range of integers in a Case statement.
Public Function GetWeightCategory(weight As Integer) As String
Select Case weight
Case │0 - 10
Return "light"
Case 11 - 30
Return "medium"
Case 31 - 50
Return "heavy"
Case Else
Return "too heavy to lift"
End Select
End Function
Public Function GetWeightCategory(weight As Integer) As String
Select Case weight
Case 0 To 10
Return "light"
Case 11 To 30
Return "medium"
Case 31 To 50
Return "heavy"
Case Else
Return "too heavy to lift"
End Select
End Function