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Extension method must be defined in a top level static class

In This Article

CodeRush Classic shows the Extension method must be defined in a top level static class code issue if an extension method is defined in a nested class.


Make the class top level or declare the method in another top level static class.


Highlights the extension method declaration statements, which would cause the Extension method must be defined in a top level static class compilation error.


public static class MyClass
    public static class NestedClass
        public static int Total(this int[] intArray)
            int result = 0;
            foreach (int item in intArray)
                result += item;
            return result;


public static class MyClass
    public static int Total(this int[] intArray)
        int result = 0;
        foreach (int item in intArray)
            result += item;
        return result;
    public static class NestedClass
