DxChartConstantLine.Width Property
Specifies the constant line width.
Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor
Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor
public int Width { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Default | Description |
Int32 | 1 | The constant line width in pixels. |
Use the Width
property to change the constant line thickness. You can also specify the Color of the constant line.
The following example changes the color and width of the constant line:
@using System.Drawing
<DxChart Data="@SalesData">
<DxChartConstantLine Value="70000"
<DxChartConstantLineLabel HorizontalAlignment="HorizontalAlignment.Right" Text="Planned Amonut" />
<DxChartLineSeries Name="2017"
Filter="@((SaleInfo s) => s.Date.Year == 2017)"
ArgumentField="@(s => s.City)"
ValueField="@(s => s.Amount)"
SummaryMethod="Enumerable.Sum" />
<DxChartLineSeries Name="2018"
Filter="@((SaleInfo s) => s.Date.Year == 2018)"
ArgumentField="@(s => s.City)"
ValueField="@(s => s.Amount)"
SummaryMethod="Enumerable.Sum" />
<DxChartLineSeries Name="2019"
Filter="@((SaleInfo s) => s.Date.Year == 2019)"
ArgumentField="@(s => s.City)"
ValueField="@(s => s.Amount)"
SummaryMethod="Enumerable.Sum" />
<DxChartTitle Text="Sales Info" />
<DxChartLegend Position="RelativePosition.Outside" HorizontalAlignment="HorizontalAlignment.Right" />
See Also