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MVCxClientGantt Events

A client-side counterpart of the Gantt extension.
Name Description
BeginCallback Occurs when a callback for server-side processing is initiated. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
CallbackError Fires on the client if any server error occurs during server-side processing of a callback sent by the ASPxClientGantt. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
ContextMenu Occurs when a user right-clicks a task or dependency to open the context menu. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
ContextMenuCustomization Occurs before the built-in context menu is rendered. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
CustomCommand Enables you to implement a custom command’s logic. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
DependencyDeleted Occurs after a user deleted a dependency. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
DependencyDeleting Occurs before a user deletes a dependency. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
DependencyInserted Occurs after a user inserted a dependency. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
DependencyInserting Occurs before a user inserts a dependency. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
EndCallback Occurs on the client side after a callback’s server-side processing has been completed. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
EndCellEditing Occurs before a user finishes editing a cell. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
FocusedTaskChanged Occurs when a task is focused. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
FocusedTaskChanging Occurs before a task is focused. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
Init Occurs on the client side after the control has been initialized. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
ResourceAssigned Occurs after a user assigned a resource to a task. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
ResourceAssigning Occurs before a user assigns a resource to a task. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
ResourceDeleted Occurs after a user deleted a resource. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
ResourceDeleting Occurs before a user deletes a resource. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
ResourceInserted Occurs after a user inserted a new resource. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
ResourceInserting Occurs before a user inserts a new resource. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
ResourceUnassigned Occurs after a user removed a resource from a task. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
ResourceUnassigning Occurs before a user removes a resource from a task. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
StartCellEditing Occurs before a user starts to edit a cell. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
TaskClick Occurs when a user clicks a task. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
TaskDblClick Occurs when a user double-clicks a task. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
TaskDeleted Occurs after a user deleted a task. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
TaskDeleting Occurs before a user deletes a task. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
TaskEditDialogShowing Occurs before the edit dialog is shown. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
TaskInserted Occurs after a user inserted a task. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
TaskInserting Occurs before a user inserts a task. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
TaskMoving Occurs before a user moves a task. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
TaskUpdated Occurs after a user updated a task. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
TaskUpdating Occurs before a user updates a task. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
TooltipShowing Occurs before a tooltip is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientGantt.
See Also