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ASPxClientCheckBoxList Members

A client-side equivalent of the ASPxCheckBoxList object.


Name Description
name Gets the unique, hierarchically-qualified identifier for the control. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.


Name Description
AdjustControl Modifies the control’s size against the control’s container. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
AdjustControls static Modifies the controls size within the specified container. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
AreEditorsValid static Verifies whether the editors in a specified visibility state, which are located within a specified container and belong to a specific validation group, are valid. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
AttachEditorModificationListener(handler, predicate) static Attaches a handler to the ASPxClientEdit‘s event indicating whether the editor has been changed since the previous state. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
Cast(obj) static Converts the specified object to the ASPxClientCheckBoxList type.
ClearEditorsInContainer(container) static Assigns a null value to all editors in a specified visibility state, which are located within a specified container and belong to a specific validation group. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
ClearEditorsInContainerById(containerId) static Assigns a null value to all editors which are located within the specified container object, and belonging to a specific validation group, dependent on the visibility state specified. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
ClearGroup(validationGroup) static Assigns a null value to all editors which belong to a specific validation group, dependent on the visibility state specified. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
DetachEditorModificationListener(handler, predicate) static Detaches a handler from the editor’s event if the editor meets the predicate criteria. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
Focus Sets input focus to the editor. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
GetCaption Returns the text displayed in the editor caption. Inherited from ASPxClientEditBase.
GetClientVisible Obsolete. Returns a value specifying whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
GetControlCollection static Returns a collection of client web control objects. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
GetEnabled Returns a value indicating whether an editor is enabled. Inherited from ASPxClientEditBase.
GetErrorText Gets the error text to be displayed within the editor’s error frame if the editor’s validation fails. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
GetHeight Returns the control’s height. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
GetInputElement Returns an HTML element that is the control’s input element. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
GetIsValid Gets a value that indicates whether the editor’s value passes validation. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
GetItem(index) Returns the editor’s item specified by its index. Inherited from ASPxClientCheckListBase.
GetItemCount Gets the number of items contained in the editor’s item collection. Inherited from ASPxClientCheckListBase.
GetMainElement Returns an HTML element that is the root of the control’s hierarchy. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
GetParentControl Returns a client instance of the control that is the parent for a specified control. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
GetReadOnly Returns a value indicating whether the editor’s state is read-only on the client-side. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
GetSelectedIndex Returns the index of the selected item within the list editor. Inherited from ASPxClientListEdit.
GetSelectedIndices Returns an array of the check box list editor’s selected items indices.
GetSelectedItem Returns the list editor’s selected item. Inherited from ASPxClientListEdit.
GetSelectedItems Returns an array of the check box list editor’s selected items.
GetSelectedValues Returns an array of the check box list editor’s selected items values.
GetValue Returns the editor’s value. Inherited from ASPxClientEditBase.
GetVisible Returns a value specifying whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
GetWidth Returns the control’s width. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
InCallback Returns a value that determines whether a callback request sent by a web control is being currently processed on the server side. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
SelectAll Selects all check box list items.
SelectIndices(indices) Selects items with the specified indices within a check box list.
SelectItems(items) Selects the specified items within a check box list.
SelectValues(values) Selects items with the specified values within a check box list.
SendMessageToAssistiveTechnology(message) Specifies the text that Assistive Technologies (screen readers or braille display, for example) will provide to a user. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
SetCaption(caption) Specifies the text displayed in the editor caption. Inherited from ASPxClientEditBase.
SetClientVisible(visible) Obsolete. Specifies whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
SetEnabled(value) Specifies whether an editor is enabled. Inherited from ASPxClientEditBase.
SetErrorText(errorText) Sets the error text to be displayed within the editor’s error frame if the editor’s validation fails. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.

Specifies the control’s height. Note that this method is not in effect for some controls.

Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
SetIsValid(isValid) Sets a value that specifies whether the editor’s value is valid. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
SetReadOnly(readOnly) Specifies whether the control’s state is read-only on the client side. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
SetSelectedIndex(index) Sets the list editor’s selected item specified by its index. Inherited from ASPxClientListEdit.
SetSelectedItem(item) Sets the list editor’s selected item. Inherited from ASPxClientListEdit.
SetValue(value) Changes the editor’s value. Inherited from ASPxClientEditBase.
SetVisible(visible) Specifies whether a control is displayed. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
SetWidth(width) Specifies the control’s width in pixels. Inherited from ASPxClientControl.
UnselectAll Unselects all check box list items.
UnselectIndices(indices) Unselects items with the specified indices within a check box list.
UnselectItems(items) Unselects the specified items within a check box list.
UnselectValues(values) Unselects items with the specified values within a check box list.
Validate Performs the editor’s validation. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
ValidateEditorsInContainer(container) static Validates all editors in a specified visibility state, which are located within a specified container and belong to a specific validation group. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
ValidateEditorsInContainerById(containerId) static Performs validation of the editors which are located within the specified container and belong to a specific validation group, dependent on the visibility state specified. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
ValidateGroup(validationGroup) static Performs validation of editors contained within the specified validation group, dependent on the editor visibility state specified. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.


Name Description
GotFocus Fires on the client side when the editor receives input focus. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
Init Occurs on the client side after the control has been initialized. Inherited from ASPxClientControlBase.
LostFocus Fires on the client side when the editor loses input focus. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
SelectedIndexChanged Occurs on the client side after a different item in the check box list has been selected (focus has been moved from one item to another).
Validation Allows you to specify whether the value entered into the editor is valid, and whether the editor is allowed to lose focus. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
ValueChanged Fires after the editor’s value has been changed by end-user interactions. Inherited from ASPxClientEdit.
See Also