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ASPxClientTreeView.GetNodeByText(text) Method

Returns a node with the specified text.


    text: string
): ASPxClientTreeViewNode


Name Type Description
text string

The text content of the node.


Type Description

The node with the specified node’s text content.


Use the ASPxClientTreeView.GetNodeByText method to get a client node object with the specified text.

This method searches the specified node among all nodes of the ASPxTreeView control by the TreeViewNode.Text property (at all nesting levels). It returns null if you pass invalid text to the parameter.

You can use the ASPxClientTreeViewNode.GetNodeByText method to access a node’s child with the specified text content.


This method returns an incorrect value if the EnableClientSideAPI property is set to false (default). Set this property to true to enable access to a control’s client-side object.


This example demonstrates how to find a node by its text on the client side.

In the example we use the GetNodeByText(text) method to search for the required node. If a node has been found, the code iterates through parent nodes to expand them using the SetExpanded(value) method. After that the found note is selected using the SetSelectedNode(node) method. Note, that the ASPxTreeView's AllowSelectNode property is set to true to allow node selection.

function FindNode(s, e) {

    //Check the input data
    if (textbox.GetText()==''){
        alert('Please, input name of a node');
    if (treeview.GetNodeByText(textbox.GetText()) == null){
        alert('The ' + textbox.GetText() + ' node was not found');
    var node = treeview.GetNodeByText(textbox.GetText());

    //Iterate through the parent nodes to expand them
    var nodesparent = node.parent;
    while(nodesparent != null) {
        nodesparent = nodesparent.parent

    //Select the found node
<dx:ASPxTreeView ID="ASPxTreeView1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="treeview" DataSourceID="XmlDataSource1" AllowSelectNode="True">
<br />
<dx:ASPxLabel ID="ASPxLabel1" runat="server" Text="Input the node's text (e.g. 'News')">
<dx:ASPxTextBox ID="ASPxTextBox1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="textbox" Width="170px">
<br />
<dx:ASPxButton ID="ASPxButton1" runat="server" ClientInstanceName="searchbutton"
    Text="Find" AutoPostBack="False">
    <ClientSideEvents Click="FindNode"/>
<asp:XmlDataSource ID="XmlDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="~/App_Data/MenuTabbedMenu.xml"
    OnTransforming="XmlDataSource1_Transforming" XPath="/mainmenu/item">
See Also