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ASPxClientTrackBar.GetPositionStart Method

Returns the main drag handle position.


GetPositionStart(): number


Type Description

A value that specifies the position.


When the ASPxTrackBar.AllowRangeSelection property is set to true a track bar displays two drag handles to support the value range selection. In this case, use the GetPositionStart method on the client side to get the position of the main drag handle. To get a secondary drag handle position, use the ASPxClientTrackBar.GetPositionEnd method. If the AllowRangeSelection property is set to false you can get the position of the single drag handle using the ASPxClientTrackBar.GetPosition method.

To set the position of main and secondary handles use the ASPxClientTrackBar.SetPositionStart and ASPxClientTrackBar.SetPositionEnd methods respectively.

If the ASPxTrackBar.Items collection is specified, the drag handle position is a zero-based index of an item where the drag handle is placed. If the Items collection is empty, the drag handle position is equal to the item’s TrackBarItem.Value property.

The available range of values for the GetPositionStart method is determined by the ASPxTrackBar.MinValue and ASPxTrackBar.MaxValue property values.


The code sample below demonstrates how you can use the ASPxTrackBar control to specify a filter condition for the ASPxGridView control.

Handle the ASPxClientTrackBar.PositionChanging event to update label content that displays the currently selected range. The ASPxClientTrackBar.PositionChanged event handler applies the specified filter to the grid by using the ASPxClientGridView.ApplyFilter method. Note that the ASPxTrackBar.ValueChangedDelay property specifies the time interval between when a user changes the editor’s value and when the filter is applied.

The image below shows the result.


function initLbRange() {
     lbRange.SetText('$' + tbSale.GetPositionStart() + ',000 - $' + tbSale.GetPositionEnd() + ',000');

function updateLbRange(s, e) {
     lbRange.SetText('$' + e.newPositionStart + ',000 - $' + e.newPositionEnd + ',000');

function updateGrid() {
     var filterCondition = "[Sale] > " + tbSale.GetPositionStart() * 1000 
     + " AND [Sale] < " + tbSale.GetPositionEnd() * 1000;
See Also