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ASPxClientComboBox Class

Represents the client-side equivalent of the ASPxComboBox control.


declare class ASPxClientComboBox extends ASPxClientDropDownEditBase


In addition to the common dropdown editor functionality inherited from its ancestor ASPxClientDropDownEdit object, the ASPxClientComboBox allows you to manipulate its items (ASPxClientComboBox.AddItem, ASPxClientComboBox.InsertItem, ASPxClientComboBox.RemoveItem, ASPxClientComboBox.ClearItems), perform item modification operations without the editor being re-rendered (ASPxClientComboBox.BeginUpdate, ASPxClientComboBox.EndUpdate), access a specific item and obtain the item count (ASPxClientComboBox.GetItem, ASPxClientComboBox.GetItemCount), manipulate the selected item (ASPxClientComboBox.GetSelectedItem/ASPxClientComboBox.SetSelectedItem, ASPxClientComboBox.GetSelectedIndex/ASPxClientComboBox.SetSelectedIndex), respond to the selected item being changed by end-users (ASPxClientComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged) and customize the text displayed within the editor’s text box (ASPxClientComboBox.GetText, ASPxClientComboBox.SetText).


The client-side programmatic interface is available if the editor’s ASPxEditBase.EnableClientSideAPI property is set to true or any client event is handled.


The ASPxClientComboBox class has an MVC-related equivalent. Refer to the MVCxClientComboBox class for more information.


The following example illustrates how to use the ASPxClientComboBox class.


For a full example, see the ASPxComboBox - Cascading Combo Boxes demo.

<dx:ASPxComboBox runat="server" ID="CmbCountry" DropDownStyle="DropDownList" IncrementalFilteringMode="StartsWith"
    TextField="CountryName" ValueField="CountryName" Width="100%" DataSourceID="CountriesDataSource"
    <ClientSideEvents SelectedIndexChanged="function(s, e) { OnCountryChanged(s); }" />

Online Demo

ASPxComboBox - Cascading Combo Boxes

See Also