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MVCxCalendarProperties Members

Contains Calendar specific properties.


Name Description
MVCxCalendarProperties() Initializes a new instance of the MVCxCalendarProperties class with default settings.


Name Description
ButtonStyle Gets the style settings used to paint the editor’s buttons. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
Caption Gets or sets the Calendar caption.
CaptionCellStyle Gets the style settings that define the caption cell appearance.
CaptionSettings Provides access to the editor caption settings.
CaptionStyle Gets the style settings that define the caption appearance.
CellDisabledStyle Gets the style properties of the cells for which selection is disabled. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
CellOtherPeriodStyle Gets the style properties of the cells that don’t refer to the current period (month, year, century). Inherited from CalendarProperties.
CellOutOfRangeStyle Gets the style properties of the cells that are out of the specified range (CalendarProperties.MinDate, CalendarProperties.MaxDate). Inherited from CalendarProperties.
CellSelectedStyle Gets the style properties of the selected cells. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
CellStyle Gets the style properties of the cells. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
ChangeVisibleDateAnimationType Gets or sets a value specifying the animation type used to change the visible date. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
ClearButtonText Gets or sets the text displayed within the calendar’s Clear button. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
ClientInstanceName Specifies the editor’s client programmatic identifier. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
ClientSideEvents Gets an object that lists the client-side events specific to the ASPxCalendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
Columns Gets or sets the number of columns (months) displayed in a multi-view calendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
ConvertEmptyStringToNull Gets or sets a value that specifies whether empty string values are converted to a null reference when an inplace editor’s value is retrieved from a data source field. Inherited from EditProperties.
CssFilePath Gets or sets the path to a CSS file that defines the editor’s appearance. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
CssPostfix Gets or sets a CSS class name postfix that identifies style settings to be applied to the editor. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
DayDisabledStyle Gets the style properties of the days disabled for selection. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
DayHeaderStyle Gets the style properties for the calendar’s section that displays the day of the week. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
DayNameFormat Gets or sets the name format for days of the week. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
DayOtherMonthStyle Gets the style properties of the days that don’t belong to the displayed month. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
DayOutOfRangeStyle Gets the style properties of the days that don’t belong to the date range allowed for selection. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
DaySelectedStyle Gets the style settings for the calendar’s selected day. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
DayStyle Gets the style settings for the days displayed in the calendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
DayWeekendStyle Gets the style properties for the weekend dates in the calendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
DisabledDates Provides access to a calendar’s collection of disabled dates. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
DisplayFormatString Gets or sets the pattern used to format the editor’s value for display purposes. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
EnableChangeVisibleDateGestures Gets or sets a value specifying whether an end-user can change the visible date with a swipe gesture. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
EnableClientSideAPI Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the editor can be manipulated on the client side via code. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
EnableDefaultAppearance Obsolete. Specifies whether to enable the control’s default appearance. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
EnableFocusedStyle Gets or sets a value that specifies whether an editor in a focused state is displayed with predefined style settings. Inherited from EditProperties.
EnableLargePeriodNavigation Get or sets the visibility of the << and >> buttons, thus controlling the availability of year navigation within the calendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
EnableMonthNavigation Get or sets the visibility of the PrevMonth and NextMonth buttons, thus controlling the availability of month navigation within the calendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
EnableMultiSelect Gets or sets a value indicating whether multiple date selection is enabled in the calendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
EnablePeriodNavigation Gets or sets the visibility of the Prev and Next buttons, thus controlling the availability of navigation within the calendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
EnableYearNavigation Gets or sets the visibility of the PrevYear and NextYear buttons, thus controlling the availability of year navigation within the calendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
EncodeHtml Obsolete. This property is not in effect for the MVCxCalendarProperties class.
FastNavFooterStyle Gets the style properties for the footer section of the calendar’s fast navigation panel. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavHeaderBackElementImage Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the element used to return back to the previous mode within the fast navigation area’s header. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavHeaderBackElementRtlImage Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the element used to return back to the previous mode within the fast navigation area’s header when the calendar is in RTL mode. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavHeaderStyle Gets the style properties of the area that allows a user to return back to the previous mode within the fast navigation area. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavItemAreaStyle Gets the style properties of the fast navigation area. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavItemOtherPeriodStyle Gets the style properties of the fast navigation area’s items that belong to the neighboring period. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavItemStyle Gets the style properties of the fast navigation area’s item. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavMonthAreaStyle Gets the style properties for the fast navigation panel’s section that displays months. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavMonthStyle Gets the style settings for the months displayed in the calendar’s fast navigation panel. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavNextPeriodImage Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the button element used to switch to the next period within the calendar’s fast navigation area. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavNextYearImage Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the fast navigation panel’s NextYear button element. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavPrevPeriodImage Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the button element used to switch to the previous period within the calendar’s fast navigation area. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavPrevYearImage Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the fast navigation panel’s PrevYear button element. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavProperties Gets the settings of the calendar’s dropdown fast navigation panel. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavStyle Gets the common style settings for the calendar’s fast navigation panel. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavYearAreaStyle Gets the style properties for the fast navigation panel’s section that displays years. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FastNavYearStyle Gets the style settings for the years displayed in the calendar’s fast navigation panel. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FirstDayOfWeek Gets or sets the day to display as the first day of the week within the calendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
FocusedStyle Gets the style settings which define an editor’s appearance in the focused state. Inherited from EditProperties.
FooterStyle Gets the style properties for the calendar’s footer section. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
HeaderStyle Gets the style properties of the calendar’s title heading. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
HiddenSerializableObject For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
HighlightToday Gets or sets a value that specifies whether a day that corresponds to today’s date is highlighted within the calendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
HighlightWeekends Gets or sets a value that specifies whether weekend days are highlighted within the calendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
InvalidStyle Gets the style settings which define an editor’s appearance in the invalid state. Inherited from EditProperties.
LoadingPanelImage Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in a calendar’s loading panel. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
MaxDate Gets or sets the maximum date allowed to be entered into the editor by an end-user. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
MinDate Gets or sets the minimum date allowed to be entered into the editor by an end-user. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
MonthGridPaddings Gets or sets a value specifying the amount of space around the month grid within the calendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
NextLargePeriodImage Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the calendar’s NextYear button element. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
NextMonthImage Gets the settings of an image displayed in the calendar’s NextMonth button element. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
NextPeriodImage Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the calendar’s navigation button element. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
NextYearImage Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the calendar’s NextYear button element. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
NullDisplayText Gets or sets the text displayed within the editor’s edit region when the editor’s value is null. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
ParentImages This property is not in effect for the EditPropertiesBase class. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
ParentSkinOwner For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
ParentStyles This property is not in effect for the EditPropertiesBase class. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
PickerType Specifies a date component an end user can select (a day, month, decade or year). Inherited from CalendarProperties.
PrevLargePeriodImage Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the calendar’s navigation button element. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
PrevMonthImage Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the calendar’s PrevMonth button element. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
PrevPeriodImage Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the calendar’s navigation button element. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
PrevYearImage Gets the settings of an image that is displayed in the calendar’s PrevYear button element. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
ReadOnlyStyle Gets style settings for the read-only editor state. Inherited from EditProperties.
RootStyle Gets the style settings defining the appearance of an editor container.
Rows Gets or sets the number of rows (months) displayed in a multi-view calendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
SettingsAdaptivity Provides access to the calendar adaptivity settings. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
ShowClearButton Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the Clear button is displayed within the calendar’s footer. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
ShowDayHeaders Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the heading for the days of the week is displayed. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
ShowHeader Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the calendar’s title heading is displayed. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
ShowShadow Gets or sets a value that specifies whether a calendar’s popup window casts a shadow. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
ShowTodayButton Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the Today button is displayed within the calendar’s footer. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
ShowWeekNumbers Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the week number section is displayed within the calendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
Style Obsolete. This property is not in effect for the MVCxCalendarProperties class.
TodayButtonText Gets or sets the text displayed within the calendar’s Today button. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
TodayStyle Gets the style settings for the calendar day that corresponds to today’s date. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
ValidationSettings Gets the calendar’s validation settings.
WeekNumberStyle Gets the style properties for the week number markers in the calendar. Inherited from CalendarProperties.


Name Description
Assign(PropertiesBase) Copies the settings of the specified object to the current one. Inherited from CalendarProperties.
CreateDisplayControl(CreateDisplayControlArgs, EditorsFactory) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
CreateEdit(CreateEditControlArgs, EditorsFactory) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
CreateEdit(CreateEditControlArgs, Boolean, EditorsFactory) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetDisplayControlDefaultAlign() For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
GetDisplayText(CreateDisplayControlArgs, EditorsFactory) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
GetDisplayText(CreateDisplayControlArgs, Boolean, EditorsFactory) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
GetEditorType() For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
GetExportDisplayText(CreateDisplayControlArgs, EditorsFactory) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
GetExportNavigateUrl(CreateDisplayControlArgs) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
GetExportValue(CreateDisplayControlArgs) For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RequireDataBinding() For internal use only. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
ToString() Returns the string that represents the current object. Inherited from EditPropertiesBase.
See Also