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GridViewEditorStyles Members

Provides the style settings used to paint grid editors.


Name Description
GridViewEditorStyles(ASPxGridView) Initializes a new instance of the GridViewEditorStyles class.


Name Description
BinaryImageButtonPanelStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
BinaryImageButtonStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
BinaryImageDropZoneStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
BinaryImageEmptyValueTextStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
BinaryImageStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ButtonEditButtonStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ButtonEditClearButtonStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ButtonEditStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarButtonStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarCellDisabledStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarCellOtherPeriodStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarCellOutOfRangeStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarCellSelectedStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarCellStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarDayDisabledStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarDayHeaderStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarDayOtherMonthStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarDayOutOfRangeStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarDaySelectedStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarDayStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarDayWeekendStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavFooterStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavHeaderStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavItemAreaStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavItemOtherPeriodStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavItemStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavMonthAreaStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavMonthStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavYearAreaStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavYearStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFooterStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarHeaderStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarTodayStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarWeekNumberStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CaptionCellSafariSystemClassName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CaptionCellStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CaptionHACenterSystemClassName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CaptionHALeftSystemClassName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CaptionHARightSystemClassName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CaptionPositionBottomSystemClassName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CaptionPositionLeftSystemClassName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CaptionPositionRightSystemClassName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CaptionPositionTopSystemClassName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CaptionStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CaptionVABottomSystemClassName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CaptionVAMiddleSystemClassName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CaptionVATopSystemClassName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CheckBoxListStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CheckEditStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ColorIndicatorStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ColorPickerStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ColorTableCellStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ColorTableStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
DateEditClockCellStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
DateEditTimeEditCellStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
DisabledStyleName static For internal use only. Returns “Disabled”. Inherited from StylesBase.
DisplayColorIndicatorStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
DropDownApplyButtonStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
DropDownCloseButtonStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
DropDownWindowStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
FocusedStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
HelpTextStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
HyperlinkStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ICBFocusedStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ICheckBoxStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ImageStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
InvalidStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
IRadioButtonStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
IRBFocusedStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
LabelStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ListBoxFilterEditorStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ListBoxFilterStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ListBoxItemRowStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ListBoxItemStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ListBoxSelectAllStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ListBoxStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
LoadingDivStyleName static For internal use only. Returns “LoadingDiv”. Inherited from StylesBase.
LoadingPanelStyleName static For internal use only. Returns “LoadingPanel”. Inherited from StylesBase.
MaskHintStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
MemoStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
NullTextStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
OptionalMarkStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
OutOfRangeWarningBottomPosStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
OutOfRangeWarningRightPosStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
OutOfRangeWarningStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ProgressBarIndicatorStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ProgressBarStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
RadioButtonListStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ReadOnlyStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
RequiredMarkStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
RootStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
SpinEditDecrementButtonStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
SpinEditIncrementButtonStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
SpinEditLargeDecrementButtonStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
SpinEditLargeIncrementButtonStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
StyleStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TBBarHighlightStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TBDecrementButtonStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TBIncrementButtonStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TBLargeTickStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TBLeftTopLabelStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TBMainDragHandleStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TBRightBottomLabelStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TBScaleStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TBSecondaryDragHandleStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TBSmallTickStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TBTrackStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TextBoxStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TokenBoxInputStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TokenBoxTokenHoverStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TokenBoxTokenRemoveButtonHoverStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TokenBoxTokenRemoveButtonStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TokenBoxTokenStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TokenBoxTokenTextStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarItemStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarSelectedItemStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarSelectedTickStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarValueToolTipStyleName static For internal use only. Inherited from EditorStyles.


Name Description
BinaryImage Gets the style settings that define the binary image appearance. Inherited from EditorStyles.
BinaryImageButton Gets the style settings that define the appearance of binary image button panel buttons. Inherited from EditorStyles.
BinaryImageButtonPanel Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a binary image button panel. Inherited from EditorStyles.
BinaryImageDropZone Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a binary image drop zone. Inherited from EditorStyles.
BinaryImageEmptyValueText Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a binary image empty value text. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ButtonEdit Gets the style settings that define a button editor’s appearance. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ButtonEditButton Gets the style settings that define the appearance of an editor’s buttons. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ButtonEditCellSpacing Specifies the spacing between editor buttons, and between buttons and editor borders. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ButtonEditClearButton Gets the style settings that define the appearance of an editor’s Clear button. Inherited from EditorStyles.
Calendar Gets the style settings that define the calendar’s appearance. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarButton Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s buttons. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarCell Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s cell. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarCellDisabled Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s disabled cell. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarCellOtherPeriod Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the a cell that doesn’t refer to the current period (month, year, century). Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarCellOutOfRange Gets the style settings that define the appearance of cells that are out of the specified range (ASPxCalendar.MinDate, ASPxCalendar.MaxDate). Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarCellSelected Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a selected cell. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarDay Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s days. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarDayDisabled Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s disabled day. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarDayHeader Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s section that displays the day of the week. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarDayOtherMonth Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s other month days. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarDayOutOfRange Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s days that don’t belong to the date range allowed for selection. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarDaySelected Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s selected day. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarDayWeekEnd Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s weekend days. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNav Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s fast navigation panel. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavFooter Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the footer section displayed in a calendar’s fast navigation panel. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavHeader Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the header section displayed in a calendar’s fast navigation area. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavItem Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the fast navigation area’s item. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavItemArea Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the fast navigation area. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavItemOtherPeriod Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the fast navigation area’s items that belong to the neighboring period. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavMonth Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the months displayed in a calendar’s fast navigation panel. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavMonthArea Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the calendar fast navigation panel’s section that displays months. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavYear Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the years displayed in the calendar’s fast navigation panel. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFastNavYearArea Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the calendar fast navigation panel’s section that displays years. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarFooter Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s footer section. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarHeader Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s header section. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarMonthGridPaddings Gets the padding settings for a calendar’s month grid. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarToday Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar day that corresponds to today’s date. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CalendarWeekNumber Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a calendar’s week numbers. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CheckBox Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a check box. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CheckBoxFocused Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a check box when it is focused. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CheckBoxList Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a check box list. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CheckEdit Gets the style settings that define a checkbox editor’s appearance. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ColorIndicator Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a color indicator. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ColorPicker Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the editor’s color picker. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ColorTable Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the editor’s color table. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ColorTableCell Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a color table’s cell. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CssFilePath Gets or sets the path to a CSS file that defines the web control’s appearance. Inherited from StylesBase.
CssPostfix Gets or sets a CSS class name postfix that identifies style settings to be applied to the control. Inherited from StylesBase.
DateEditClockCell Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a clock cell. Inherited from EditorStyles.
DateEditTimeEditCell Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a clock cell. Inherited from EditorStyles.
DecrementButtonStyle Obsolete. Gets the style settings used to display the spin editor’s small decrement buttons. Inherited from EditorStyles.
DisplayColorIndicator Gets the style settings that define an editor’s color indicator appearance. Inherited from EditorStyles.
DropDownApplyButton Gets the style settings that define the appearance of an editor’s Apply button. Inherited from EditorStyles.
DropDownCloseButton Gets the style settings that define the appearance of an editor’s Close button. Inherited from EditorStyles.
DropDownWindow Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the drop down window. Inherited from EditorStyles.
EnableDefaultAppearance Obsolete. Specifies whether to enable the control’s default appearance. Inherited from StylesBase.
EnableFocusedStyle Gets or sets a value indicating whether an editor in a focused state is dispalyed by using the specified style settings. Inherited from EditorStyles.
Focused Gets the style settings defining the editors’ appearance in the focused state. Inherited from EditorStyles.
Hyperlink Gets the style settings that define a hyperlink editor’s appearance. Inherited from EditorStyles.
Image Gets the style settings that define an image editor’s appearance. Inherited from EditorStyles.
IncrementButtonStyle Obsolete. Gets the style settings used to represent the spin editor’s increment buttons. Inherited from EditorStyles.
Invalid Gets the style settings defining the editors’ appearance in the invalid state. Inherited from EditorStyles.
Label Gets the style settings that define a label control’s appearance. Inherited from EditorStyles.
LargeDecrementButtonStyle Obsolete. Gets the style settings used to represent the spin editor’s large decrement button. Inherited from EditorStyles.
LargeIncrementButtonStyle Obsolete. Gets the style settings used to represent the spin editor’s large increment button. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ListBox Gets the style settings that define a list box editor’s appearance. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ListBoxFilter Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the filter area in the list box. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ListBoxFilterEditor Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the filter editor in the list box. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ListBoxItem Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a list editor’s items. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ListBoxSelectAll Gets the style settings that define the appearance of the list box’s “Select All” element. Inherited from EditorStyles.
LoadingDiv Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a loading div element. Inherited from EditorStyles.
LoadingPanel Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a loading panel. Inherited from EditorStyles.
MaskHint Gets the style settings that define the appearance of mask hints within editors. Inherited from EditorStyles.
Memo Gets the style settings that define a memo editor’s appearance. Inherited from EditorStyles.
Native Gets or sets a value specifying whether an editor (or each DevExpress editor of a control to which the current setting is applied) is rendered using the corresponding native HTML element. Inherited from EditorStyles.
NullText Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the prompt text. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ProgressBar Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a progress bar control used for in-place editing Inherited from EditorStyles.
ProgressBarIndicator Gets the style settings that define the progress bar indicator‘s appearance. Inherited from EditorStyles.
RadioButton Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a radio button. Inherited from EditorStyles.
RadioButtonFocused Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a radio button when it is focused. Inherited from EditorStyles.
RadioButtonList Gets the style settings that define a radio button list control’s appearance. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ReadOnly Gets the style settings that define an editor’s appearance in the disabled state. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ReadOnlyStyle Obsolete. Gets style settings for the read-only editor state. Inherited from EditorStyles.
SpinButtonsHorizontalSpacing Obsolete. Gets or sets the horizontal spacing between the editor’s spin buttons. Inherited from EditorStyles.
SpinEditDecrementButton Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the spin editor’s small decrement button. Inherited from EditorStyles.
SpinEditIncrementButton Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the spin editor’s small increment button. Inherited from EditorStyles.
SpinEditLargeDecrementButton Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the spin editor’s large decrement button. Inherited from EditorStyles.
SpinEditLargeIncrementButton Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the spin editor’s large increment button. Inherited from EditorStyles.
Style Gets the editor style settings. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TextBox Gets the style settings that define a textbox editor’s appearance. Inherited from EditorStyles.
Theme Gets or sets the name of the Theme to be applied to a web control. Inherited from StylesBase.
TokenBoxInputStyle Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a token box’s input area. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TokenBoxTokenHoverStyle Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a token box’s token when it is hovered by a pointer. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TokenBoxTokenRemoveButtonHoverStyle Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a token‘s remove button when it is hovered by a pointer. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TokenBoxTokenRemoveButtonStyle Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a token‘s remove button. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TokenBoxTokenStyle Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a token box’s token. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TokenBoxTokenTextStyle Gets the style settings that define the appearance of a token‘s text. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBar Gets the style settings that define a track bar editor’s appearance. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarBarHighlight Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s bar highlight. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarDecrementButton Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s decrement button. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarIncrementButton Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s increment button. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarItem Gets the style settings that define the appearance of track bar items. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarLargeTick Gets the style settings that define the appearance of track bar large ticks. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarLeftTopLabel Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s scale label when it is shown at the left or top side of the control. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarMainDragHandle Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s main drag handle. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarRightBottomLabel Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s scale label when it is shown at the right or bottom side of the control. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarScale Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s scale. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarSecondaryDragHandle Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s secondary drag handle. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarSelectedItem Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the selected item within a track bar. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarSelectedTick Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the selected tick within a track bar. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarSmallTick Gets the style settings that define the appearance of track bar small ticks. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarTrack Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s track. Inherited from EditorStyles.
TrackBarValueToolTip Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a track bar’s value tooltip. Inherited from EditorStyles.


Name Description
Assign(PropertiesBase) Copies the settings from the specified PropertiesBase object to the current object. Inherited from StylesBase.
CopyFrom(StylesBase) Duplicates the properties of the specified object into the current instance of the EditorStyles class. Inherited from EditorStyles.
CreateCssClassName(String, String, String) static For internal use only. Inherited from StylesBase.
CreateStyleByName(String, String) Creates and returns a style object with the specified name. For internal use only. Inherited from StylesBase.
CreateStyleByName(String) For internal use only. Inherited from StylesBase.
CreateStyleCopyByName<T>(String) Creates and returns a copy of a style object with the specified name. Inherited from StylesBase.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetBulletIndent() For internal use only. Inherited from StylesBase.
GetCssFilePath() For internal use only. Inherited from StylesBase.
GetCssPostFix() For internal use only. Inherited from StylesBase.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetImageSpacing() For internal use only. Inherited from StylesBase.
GetLoadingPanelImageSpacing() For internal use only. Inherited from StylesBase.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
IsDefaultAppearanceEnabled() Specifies whether the control’s default appearance is enabled. For internal use only, Inherited from StylesBase.
IsNative() Returns a value indicating whether the control is rendered as a native HTML control. Inherited from StylesBase.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
Reset() Returns the EditorStyles object to its original state. Inherited from EditorStyles.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object.
See Also